‘Bob’s Burgers’ Friend Fiction: 11 Episodes We Demand For ...

bob's burgers gambling episode

bob's burgers gambling episode - win

In "The Kids Run the Restaurant" Episode of Bob's Burgers, the kids open an underground casino unbeknownst to their parents....Fischoeder, the landlord, finds it, and chooses to gamble with the kids. Who is legally responsible here?

submitted by theredditofjessica to AskReddit [link] [comments]

[DISCUSSION] My top 10 Netflix shows this sub does NOT talk about.

My arbitrary methodology: I thought about shows I really enjoyed but never see mentioned around here. Then I did a search and saw if they came up with very few hits, threads or mentions.
What to expect from my list: animated shows, surreal stuff, foreign shows, shows with POC protagonists. Also minimal padding, I hate padded out shows.
Reason for posting: People complain that all we ever talk about are the same shows (Dark, Stranger Things, Black Mirror, etc).
Chewing Gum (edit: I suck, this is no longer distributed by Netflix)
Similar to: It's always sunny in Philadelphia, Letterkenny, Kimmy Schmidt
Pitch: An incredibly sheltered young woman decides to lose her virginity.
Why it is good: It is super cringy and yet you care about every character. This raises the stakes and you are not constantly rooting for her to fail as you would on Always Sunny.
Similar to: Buffy, Supernatural, Ash vs the Evil Dead, Hellblazer (comic).
Pitch: A demon hunter teams up with his nurse sister, a priest and a girl who can be possessed at will to stop a supernatural conspiracy.
Why it is good: it is funny, character driven and extremely original given the worn out premise. Season 2 has almost no filler (a rare treat for Netflix originals). The effects are low rent, but better than you remember Buffy or Supernatural being.
Similar to: Stephen Universe, Adventure Time, Planet of the apes.
Pitch: a teenaged girl raised in a bunker must survive in a world of giant monsters and mutant animals after the bunker is attacked.
Why it is good: it can be serious and it has some drama and great action scenes, but ultimately it is an incredibly upbeat and positive show that parents will not mind watching with their kids, or watching alone.
Scissor seven
Similar to: naruto, kung fu hustle, adult swim shows
Pitch: a broke barber is trying to use his scissors to become the greatest assassin in the world.
Why it is good: Each episode is super short (15 mins) and incredibly dumb until it decides to get smart or sentimental by fleshing out throwaway characters. Sometimes it looks like something an 8 year old would draw and sometimes it has the best action scenes of the year.
Similar to: Vida, bobs burgers, superstore
Pitch: a mom and pop restaurant has to choose between going out of business or having a cousin who is a chef change everything about the place.
Why it is good: It is a migrant story, a small business story and a story about gentrification and changing neighborhoods. It is funny, dramatic and has some of the best acting I've seen in recent history.
Similar to: the office, bojack horseman
Pitch: A young office worker deals with tons of frustration during the day, so she lets lose at night by singing death metal karaoke.
Why it is good: Feels like cheating but it barely came up in my searches... it is just a big deal elsewhere in popular culture. It is a very adult cartoon despite having practically zero R rated content; instead it is about adult feelings of alienation, stress, sexism, professional dissatisfaction and loneliness... with hello kitty cuteness.
I think you should leave
Similar to: Mr Show, Kids in the Hall, Key and Peele.
Pitch: a series of increasing more and more bizarre sketches about awkward situations and strange characters.
Why it is good: Basically a bunch of sketches rejected by Saturday Night Live and for good reason, most of them only work because of how passionate and committed the delivery is. Also lots of cameos from good up and coming comedians.
Medical Police
Similar to: Naked Gun, Childrens Hospital (it is a spin off), CSI.
Pitch: two doctors are drafted into solving an international manmade pandemic.
Why it is good: it is incredibly stupid, incredibly good at lampooning overused tropes and the deadpan comedic delivery is top notch. It is the one pandemic show that will make you forget the pandemic.
Carole and Tuesday
Similar to: Glee, futurama, Cowboy Bebop.
Pitch: two young musicians on Mars rise from street performers to global sensations all the while the planet is undergoing a political upheaval.
Why it is good: It is an intensely political and adult show from the point of view of two teenagers who do not always get what is going on and just want to make art. The show has super good music and it is created by Shinchiro Watanabe (Cowboy Bebop, Kids on the Slope, Samurai Champloo).
Similar to: Yu-Gi-Oh, hunger games, sherlock
Pitch: A highschool where the wealthiest and most elite students gamble away their futures in high stakes games.
Why it is good: It is possibly one of the most irrational yet most tense shows you can watch. If you can suspend your disbelief enough for something like The Hunger Games, then you can enjoy extremely high stakes gambling games where teenagers risk their freedom or even bodily harm. Similar to magic tricks every game is rigged and every game is explained by the genius but mysterious protagonist. You can choose between the over the top anime and the stagy but ingenious live action version, I recommend watching both. Very much not for kids though.
submitted by JavierLoustaunau to NetflixBestOf [link] [comments]

The Duxbury Chronicles "The Dumpster"

The Duxbury Chronicles
“Rain fell on the roofs of the just and the unjust, the saints and the sinners, those who knew peace and those in torment, and tomorrow began at a dark hour.”
- Robert R McCammon, "Mine"
August 6th, 1982 was a day in Duxbury that no one liked to talk about. No one who is still around who remembers it anyway. It had been a hot one. Hot, humid, and most of all, wet. It had been that way all summer.
“Unnatural.” The old timers were wont to say.
By mid-summer rainfall all along the East coast had hit records not seen since the 20's. The nearby swamps and rivers had deepened. Dark, murky water encroaching onto lands normally dry. The Duxbury Bogs, and the North Hill Marsh Sanctuary in particular had been cause for concern.
By mid-July (Courtesy of the Bogs) Pilgrim's Highway had been flooded over. Blocking Mayflower Street all the way down passed East Street. Island Creek Pond, and the North Hill Sanctuary had joined forces. Turning the lands that divided them into one giant wilderness of muck, and water.
And by the end of July it looked like Cranberry Bog, and Pine Lake were on the verge of rising up high enough to join the other two. And submerge the whole damn area. It had been an ugly business already.
Homes in and around Pettibush Lane, Maple Pond Lane, and Evergreen Street had already been lost to flooding. And there had even been talk last weekend during the Duxbury Town Hall Council Meeting of the possible necessary evacuation of Tinker's Ledge Road if the rains kept up.
That had gotten people buggin'. Markus McDuff had leapt up, and shouted with the vigor of a man half his age. Declaring that “They'd have to drag his dead body” off his Apple Farm if they came to evacuate him.
There had been a grasshopper boom as well. Everyone said it was because of all the rain. The population thickened as one got further from the busier streets. Certain sections of the Whiton Woods were so thick with the little green insects that it was hard to describe in words.
One had to “see it, to believe it”. On some of the trails every step one took would literally be accompanied by a multitude of tiny springy sounds. As the brainless bugs leapt away from whatever giant passed them by.
They hadn't been the only insects to flourish in the unusually wet weather. The Cicadas had come out in force for the season as well. And they sang their summer songs with an unprecedented fervor. Every evening around dusk, they'd alight in the branches of the trees and chirp up at the brilliant shifting purple, and orange canvas in the sky.
In the trees all along Island Creek the insects seemed to be especially prevalent. There were certain sections of the creek where one would have to practically shout to be heard over the buzzing cacophony. It was, needless to say, not a good season for insectophobes.
Despite all the climate issues the “tourist” season (small as it was) did not seem to really suffer. Which had been quite a relief to the local business owners. And ever since August started it hadn't rained. As a result the general mood around town was brighter than usual.
But on this early afternoon, one resident's mood was especially chipper. Deputy Robert Maxwell was walking down Harrison street with a particular “pep” in his step. That was because he had just scored a dyno date with the town Betty!
A bodacious babe by the name of Mary Barbadino. She'd been the morning waitress at Alice's Restaurant for going on three years now. Bob had grown up in Duxbury, and had always liked Alice's. But it had become his pre-shift breakfast spot pretty much every day since he'd first laid eyes on Mary in that tight-fitting waitress uniform. Even on his days off.
He still couldn't believe his luck! Bob, at the ripe old age of thirty seven, was not exactly known for being a lady's man. He wasn't some hoser or anything. But he was no primo stud either.
And she'd approached him! He’d known that Mary had broken up with her boyfriend Marcus Greene four months prior. But he had never had the cajones to do anything about it.
The situation between Mary and Marcus was like a badly written movie. Marcus and his posse were the local tough guys. He and his crew always seemed to be getting into trouble. Be it a fight at the local bar, or a “domestic dispute” at one of their biker parties.
If it was true that in life everyone had a role to play. Then it was Marcus's destiny to be an asshole. That's not what had stopped him from making a move on Mary however. Bob was a Roller after all. He'd just been too chicken.
So this morning when Mary had come over with a cup of coffee in hand and slid into the empty seat across the table from him, he'd been struck speechless for a few seconds. The conversation had been quick, and direct. Mary talking, and Bob mostly nodding, and trying to keep his mouth from hanging open.
She'd wanted to know if he was interested in catching a movie after her shift. Bob would have watched the bunkest movie in the world with Mary. He'd quickly agreed, and the two had made plans to meet when she got off at five.
The Deputy made it to the corner, and took a right onto Washington Street. He was headed to Barry's Meats. The local butcher shop. Barry was legendary in the region for his kielbasa. And tonight after whatever movie they ended up seeing, he was going to surprise Mary with a better meal than Alice's had ever put on a plate!
He walked briskly. Passing Beaver Brook Lane, and making a mental note to stop at Snug Harbor Wine on his way back home. It was nearly 12:30, which gave him approximately four and a half hours to get dinner made, get dressed, and be back at Alice's.
He’d originally been scheduled to be on duty until six. And had agreed to meet Mary without giving it a second thought. After realizing his error, he'd been worried that the “boss man” wouldn't be accommodating to his sudden plans. But after he made it back to the Station, Sheriff Copper had been all to happy to give him the night off.
In truth Copper at first been as incredulous as Bob had initially been. But the Sheriff was a good (if not gruff) man. And with a hearty laugh had granted his request. Giving him a hard pat on the back, and leaving him with the wise words – “Happy hunting son!”, as he had walked out through the Station doors.
He swiftly passed by a group of children playing in Washington Park. Off in the distance a baseball game was going on. He vaguely remembered seeing a flyer earlier in the week stating that the Duxbury Dragons would be playing their first game of the season today.
Across the street loomed the Saint John's Evangelist Church. The ancient stone structure cast a long shadow across the street. Bob only gave it a cursory glance as he passed it by.
He was not a religious man. Though his Mother regularly attended. In truth the place had always kind of creeped him out.
He looked around. He didn't see the local Pastor, Father John anywhere. Which he ironically thanked God for. The short fat man was always lurking about somewhere in town. Always looking to “add to the flock” as he put it.
“Lurking.” No. That wasn't the right word for it. For all their brief encounters, and by all accounts Father John was a pleasant man. Known for his charity work, and volunteering at the local soup kitchen in fact. He felt like a dick for having the thought in the first place, and quickly pushed it out of his mind.
By the time he had crossed Freeman Place, and was walking alongside the monolithic structure of the Hudson Bank; His thoughts had once again returned to Mary, and what exactly he'd done to make this morning so different than all the countless others. He glanced to the left. Looking at his wavy reflection as he passed by the floor-to-ceiling windows of the massive building.
Well, he had started working out. In fact in the last two months he'd lost almost twenty pounds! A big part of that was the change up in his diet.
Egg whites and coffee for breakfast, instead of pancakes. Salad for lunch instead of a burger. Come to think of it. Hadn't Mary been the one to first suggest his change up in breakfast?
Or maybe it was his fresh new 'stache. At first he'd been hesitant to try and grow one. Stylized facial hair had never been his thing. But he quickly realized that it was totally choice. His mom said he looked like Tom Selleck...
Bob was enwrapped in these thoughts as he reached the corner. He wasn't looking in any particular direction. And only half heard the quick, panicked steps. Just before someone came sprinting around the other side of the building, and collided straight into him.
The Deputy was knocked off his feet. Landing hard on his back. He managed to keep his head from bouncing off the pavement. But for a few seconds he saw stars anyway.
“Bab!” He recognized Boston George's voice. He sat up, and attempted to bring the man into focus.
“Oh Babby thank Gad it's you!”
Bob began to slowly climb to his feet. But the skinny forty-something man was faster. He practically leapt up, and dashed over to the Deputy. Offering him a hand, and helping him to stand.
“We got a real situation here Babby!” The man was saying. His eyes darting around frantically. In that moment he looked like a rabbit that had just escaped a wolf.
Georgey McCabe, or “Boston George” as he was known by the locals, had gotten his name because of his heavy accent. And because well... He was from Boston. Which could be quite a big deal in some circles within such a small town.
He was a “born, and bread Irishmen of the Big City on a Hill”, as he was wont to say. Bob had never been, but he imagined that Georgey was a pretty accurate representation of the average Bostonian.
Boston George had moved to Duxbury from Beantown three years prior. He always seemed to have a lot of money. Though no one knew exactly what it was that he did.
He drove a candy apple red BMW M1. Almost always with the top down. Even in winter. Anywhere he went with it he drove like a man on his way to save the world.
Georgey had accumulated quite an impressive pile of tickets and citations since coming to Duxbury. But he always had the money to pay off his fines, and so had remained on the road.
“For now.” Sheriff Copper had said to Bob one night at the station.
Copper didn't like Boston George. Though Georgey seemed oblivious to the fact. He kept speeding. And the Duxbury Police Department kept profiting off his “stunt man” antics.
Bob had never ticketed Georgey personally however. He and the Irishmen had become some-time poker buddies shortly after his arrival. The Deputy liked to gamble once in a while. Georgey loved it. And the man had one hell of a poker face.
Over the last two years he'd taken far more of Bob's money than Bob had his. That was for sure. The man also liked to sometimes go out “day drinking” as he put it. And as he took in George's disheveled appearance, he began to suspect that was exactly what the man's afternoon activities had consisted of thus far.
The thinning hair on his head stuck out in tufts pointing in all directions. His Aloha shirt was only half tucked into his shorts. Bob realized that the man was also missing one of his flip-flops.
But there was a distinct panic in Georgey's eyes. A sort of wild terror that gave him pause. The man was talking he realized. Thickly accented words flowing out of his mouth a mile a minute. Though he had no idea what he'd been saying.
“Take a red Georgey!” Bob shouted, raising his hand in a silencing gesture as he did.
George fell quiet. For a few seconds all that could be heard was the chirping birds, and George's ragged breathing.
“What. Is the problem?” He didn't have time for this.
“There's-...” George gulped in a lungful of air. Trying to steady his voice. “There's some kind of manstah in the dampsta behind Bahn’s Maket. And I think it got Old Man Pete!”
“What?” Bob asked. Truly at a loss.
“Oh for Gad's sake Bab! I'm tellin' you that there's something in the damn dampsta behind Bahn's Maket! And I think it got Pete!” The man was quickly becoming hysterical.
“Okay. Okay.” Bob said. Raising his hand once again in a placating gesture. “So tell me what happened.”
“I was sittin' outside Lux Cafe. Out in one of the chairs on the patio. Just having a drink ya'know?”
At this Bob quirked an eyebrow. Georgey didn't seem to notice.
“Anyways, so I'm sittin' there out on the patio when I see Old Man Pete come out of his store, and go around to the back alley with a bag full of trash.”
Peter Barne's was the elderly owner of Barne's Market. The local Grocery Co-op. Pete was in his seventies, but had moved like a man half is age up until his wife Edna had passed last winter.
Since then Pete had developed a noticeable stoop in his stance. Now he walked with slow, pained movements. These days he seemed to look at the ground more than anything else.
In truth it pained the Deputy to see the old man slowly fall apart. Bob had known Pete since he'd been just a boy. He'd been known as “Old Man Pete” even back then. But in those days he’d sported a full head of gray hair.
“-So like after five minutes go by.” Boston George was saying. “I notice that Petey hasn't come back out from the alleyway yet. So I stat worrying that the poor old bugger's hurt himself or something ya'know? So I get up, and I go across the street to go check on him.”
Bob knew the area George was referring to well. It was called East Cove Plaza, and was consequently the only spot on Surplus Road that had any businesses on it. Four to be exact.
All located around one square block. Barnes Market, and the Red Herring Diner on one side of the street. East Bay Salon, and Lux Lounge on the other.
Up until a year, and a half ago there had only been three businesses. But Lux had opened up next to East Bay. It was this “new age” hippie cafe/bar. It was owned by this unbelievably sexy red-headed fox named Gretta Thompson.
She'd moved to Duxbury about two years ago. And after about six months had opened up shop. That was all he really knew about her. He'd never been in the bar. Though it had simultaneously become a hit with the younger locals, and an endless source of gossip for the elders.
“So what did you find when you went to go check on him?” Bob asked. Feeling a faint sense of apprehension as he did so.
“That's the thing Bab.” George said in a hushed tone. “There wasn't no one back there when I got up there. Just an empty alleyway with the dampstah in the back.”
“But I got this real weird feelin' Bab. This real weird feelin' that Old Man Pete was in that dampstah.” Georgey continued.
Bob already did not like where this was headed. Though admittedly he had absolutely no freaking idea where this was headed.
“So I get to like about ten feet away from the dampstah, and somethin's telling me. Somethin's telling me not to get any closer. So I call out Pete's name. Feeling a bit silly as I do, mind you.”
Bob smirked despite himself. Yes. Silly was one word for it.
“And just as I say his name there comes the sound of trash slammin' around. And I mean a loud sound! And the dampstah...” George trailed off as he gave a shudder. “The dampstah Bab... It jerked towards me!”
Bob raised an eyebrow.
“The dumpster jerked towards you?” The words just didn't sound right.
“Yeah Bab. And I mean like three *freakin*' feet!”
“So what did you do?”
At this George looked incredulous.
“What did I do?! I fackin' ran for my damn life! That's what I did Bab!”
“Okay. Okay.” Bob said. Raising his hands once again. “Let's go.”
“Go where?”
“Back to Barnes Market.”
“Yes.” He said. Pinching his nose. “Back to the Market.”
“Common Georgey.” Bob cut him off, and started walking...
Five minutes later they were moving down Surplus Road. Almost halfway to their destination. Up ahead loomed the wooden bridge that went over Bluefish River. The raging waters echoing off the surrounding trees that bordered the street on both sides.
Bob had kept up a brisk pace. Partly because he was worried for Old Man Pete. And partly because of his rapidly shrinking timetable. George to his credit, had kept up.
“Are you sure you don't want to call for backup Babby?” He half shouted over the thundering river, just as their feet met weather worn wood.
Bob glanced down at the rushing waters of the Bluefish as they clunked along. The river was normally more than a dozen feet below the bridge. On this day however was half that. If it got any higher, the city would have to close off the bridge.
“Not quite yet George.” He shouted back. “I think I'd like to check things out for myself before I go and do that.”
After another moment they were across the river and back on asphalt. With each step the thundering of the Bluefish faded.
Bob looked up at the looming trees on either side of them. The White Pines had grown more full, and lush than ever before. Bob gazed off into the shadows of the surrounding forest.
There was pretty much nothing for about the next quarter mile. Nothing but trees, and encroaching swamp water that is. Pretty much everything West of Tremont Street was flooded.
But thankfully the four businesses that made up East Cove Plaza had thus far been spared from the weather. Being located about a half mile East of Tremont, on the corner where Reynolds Way crossed Surplus.
As they walked, Bob reflected on the dumpster in question. It was a fifteen yarder if he recalled correctly. Situated between Barne's Market, and the Red Herring for the convenience of both businesses. With all the flooding it really wouldn't be too outlandish if a bear, or some other critter had made it's way down and jumped in looking for food.
They came to a flooded part in the road just as they hit the intersection of South Station Street. The water stretching all the way to the woods on both the right, and left. They wordlessly walked to the right.
Entering the edge of the woods, they used the rocks, and roots to keep their feet as dry as possible, as they made their way. The water stretched on down the street for a good twenty feet before relinquishing it's hold on the road.
Soon the surrounding forest gave way once again to a suburban sprawl. Up ahead in the distance stood East Cove Plaza. He felt an inexplicable twinge of apprehension at the sight of the buildings. And for about a second, he really did want to call for back up.
But what would he tell dispatch? Boston George thinks that there's a monster in the dumpster behind Barne's Market? Yeah. That would go over well.
After another moment of walking they had reached the front entrance of Barne's. The “now open” sign still hung in the window. Bob opened the door, and stepped inside. They were greeted by the refreshing coolness of the air-conditioned store.
“Mister Barnes?” Bob called out.
No answer. Save for the soft hum of the air-conditioning unit. Bob walked deeper into the store. Swiveling his head this way, and that, as he continued moving down one of the aisles.
Again no answer. This wasn't good. Something was up.
“I'm tellin' ya he's not in here Babby.” Boston George said in a hushed tone from behind.
“Officer Maxwell?” Came a voice from the back of the store.
Both men turned to see Pete's nephew Doug Jenkins emerge from the back storage room. Doug was in his forties. He seemed to possess an endless supply of plaid shirts, and blue jeans that he wore no matter how high the temperature was. A nice guy. Though a bit slow.
“Hey Doug.” Bob said, with a wave. “I was just looking for Pete. Have you seen him?”
At this Doug shook his head.
“I was supposed to meet him here. We're going down to the dinner at Saint John's tonight. But I can't find him Bob.”
That last part carried with it a tone of worry.
“Don't worry Duggy.” Bob managed a smile. “We'll find him. I'm going to take a look around outside. Why don't you stay here in case he shows back up?”
Duggy nodded.
“Okay.” He said.
“Cool beans. Alright, me and Georgey here are gonna take a look around back. We'll meet you back here in ten minutes if we don't find him.”
And with that George, and Bob turned and walked back out. The sticky summer heat practically slammed into them as they stepped through the doorway. Together they walked in silence to the entrance of the alleyway.
They rounded the corner, and just stood there for a moment. The area was empty, save for the hulking form of the dumpster that stood in the back. It was a big, ugly thing. Standing about six feet high. And yeah. It was a fifteen yarder.
“There's no way Pete fell in there.” Bob thought to himself as he scrutinized the hunk of metal.
There was something off about it though. But he couldn't quite put his finger on what. At first glance it appeared the same as it always had.
It was just as rusty, and weather worn as ever. Still the same dirty green color, with the words "Patterson Waste Disposal" written in big white letters on it's beat up exterior. He was pretty sure that Boston George was right though. The Dumpster seemed like it was farther from the back wall than normal.
Maybe George had been partially correct. Perhaps some bear or something had wondered down and climbed in looking for food. Again considering the flooding it wasn't outside of the realm of possibility. After all the wildlife was known to wander into town from time, to time.
Bob moved cautiously forward and then stopped when he was about fifteen feet away. Some vague, primal instinct warning him not to get any closer.
He stood there in silence for a moment. Listening for any sign of movement from within the rusty metal structure. Nothing. Not a sound. He straightened, and let out a sigh. Jesus. He was being ridiculous.
Boston George was just buzzed. Pete Barnes had just gone out on some sudden errand, and forgotten to lock up. Yeah, that was it. He started to turn back to George when he noticed the shoe.
It was just lying there about three feet in front of the dumpster. It was black. That was about all he could tell from this distance.
But he knew. He just knew that it was a black Penny Loafer. And there was only one guy around here who sported those kind of kicks.
“Mister Barnes?” Bob called out toward the dumpster. Knowing full well how ridiculous he would look to his peers in that moment. He received no reply.
He took a few more cautious steps forward. Calling out again. Once again being answered with silence.
God what if he had fallen in?! As impossible as it seemed. What if Barnes had fallen in, and was lying broken and bleeding, right now, as he stood there like an idiot?!
“What's goin' on fellas?”
A voice suddenly asked from behind, causing both men to jump. Bob turned around only to see Christie Villarmarin's Pug like face. Christie was the “owner” of East Bay Salon.
What that really meant was that her husband, District Circuit Court Judge Troy Villarmarin; Had bought his incredibly unpleasant wife a business. So as to keep her out of his hair. And quite literally in someone else's.
“Everything alright Officer Maxwell?” She asked innocently.
Bob didn't really dislike people as a rule of thumb. It was not in his nature. But *God Damn* if Christie just didn't naturally piss him off.
She was one of the town gossip “ring leader's”. As his mother always put it. Christie had an affinity for other people's business. Her Salon only amplified her powers. Bob noticed a few of Christie's customers/cronies had gathered on the sidewalk in front of the Salon, and were watching their conversation with rapt attention.
And God Dammit if he didn't have time for this! It was going on 1:15 and he hadn't even made it down to Barry's yet! Christie was a shark, circling a piece of meat on a hook. But he wasn't going to give her one bite.
“Yes ma’am.” Bob said. Beaming. “We're just looking for Old Ma- Mister Barnes. I think he may have stepped out and forgotten to lock up.”
“Oh.” Was all Christie said. Mirroring the Deputy's smile right back at him.
For a moment the two just stood there, beaming their smiles at one another. Boston George looked back and forth between the two of them. Lifting an eyebrow in confusion at their “smile duel”.
“Why good afternoon everyone!”
The three turned to see Father John, standing with Sheriff Copper and Deputy David Quimby. The Priest was dressed in his usual black underwrap. He was carrying a cake with pink frosting in a big tupperware. The short, balding , round man wore his usual warm toothy grin.
“Bobby!” The Sheriff said in greeting, and began walking up.
“Great.” Bob thought.
Copper nodded at Christie.
“Sheriff.” Christie smiled. This time the expression was genuine though.
Copper reached Bob and gave him a clap on the back.
“Don't tell me you got stood up?!” He said. Letting out a great bellowing laugh as he did.
“No Sheriff I-.”
“I'm just teasin' you Bobby.” Copper cut him off. “Ol' Duggy told me about Mister Barnes.”
Bob noticed Doug poking his head around the corner.
“I told the Sheriff you was looking for Pete.” He said.
“Thanks Doug.” Bob replied.
“Me and the boys here were just on our way down to get ready for the Church Cookout tonight.” Copper said with a grin.
He turned to face the others.
“Now this right here is a shining example of an outstanding Officer of the Law. Even off duty, right before a big date no less, we find Bobby here still ensuring the safety of our citizens.” He laughed once again. His big belly bouncing up, and down.
“A date?” Christie quirked an eyebrow at this.
“Shit.” Bob thought.
“Yes Deputy Maxwell.” Father John cut. Smiling up at Bob, who stood a full head taller than the man.
“You truly are a good man, aren't you? You know you are always welcome in God's house my son. Perhaps tonight you, and you're lady friend might stop by, and partake in the festivities?”
“Th- Thank you Father. We just might do that.” Bob lied.
“Tell ya' what Bobby.” Copper said. “Why don't you go run along, and let me handle finding Mister Barnes?”
Bob let out a sigh of relief.
“Thanks Sheriff. I owe you one.”
The Sheriff waved this off with a grin.
“Don't mention it Bobby. But before you go, do you have any leads?”
“Leads?” Bob asked, not understanding.
Copper laughed.
“Yeah ya'know?! Like any idea where Barnes might have got off to?”
Just then there came a brief, faint echo of shifting trash from within the big green dumpster behind them. Everyone turned.
“I don't know. But I noticed a shoe that looks like one of his beside the dumpster.”
“Um. So did you take a look?” Quimby asked.
Deputy David Quimby could have passed for Larry Wilcox's twin. He acted like it to. The all American high school football hero, turned cop. Every day on the job you'd think that Quimby was acting out an episode of Chip's Patrol.
The man was wearing his pump-action Mossberg 590 strapped to his back. Though of course he didn't need it. The Deputy almost always had the weapon on him. He thought in made him look tough. And in truth it really did help him get laid.
“I actually just got here a minute before you did.” He answered. “I was about to look. But George said that he thought there was some kind of animal in the dumpster. So I was... Assessing the situation before approaching.”
“Hah!” Quimby exclaimed in a clearly fake laugh. Slapping a hand across one knee. “Ya'll are scared of a racoon in a dumpster?!”
“It ain't no racoon Officer Quimby.” Boston George replied in a foreboding tone.
Christie Ackerman huffed.
Bob just ground his teeth. Partly because he couldn't think of an adequate retort. But mostly because the answer might very well be “yes”.
That's when Bob realized how quiet in had gotten. The near constant chirping of chickadees was suddenly absent. He tried to remember if he'd heard any birds when he'd first gotten to the neighborhood.
“Don't none of ya'll worry you're pretty little head's off.” Sheriff Copper said as he began walking down the alleyway. “The Sheriff's on the jo– Oh what in the Hell?”
The Sheriff looked over the other's shoulders. Bob turned. The small group of onlookers from the salon had been joined by a few curious younger folks from the cafe. They were now gathered in the middle of the road watching them.
“Alright!” The Sheriff shouted toward the street. “There ain't nothin' to see here people! We're just havin' a conversation, and ya'll are wastin' your time if you're hoping for some action.”
“And since ya'll are grown up's I don't think that I have to lecture you on how dangerous it is to be standing in the middle of the road. Now I suggest that ya'll git!”
A couple people shuffled their feet. But no one really moved. The Sheriff huffed, and turned back around to face the dumpster.
“Fine.” He said. And began walking.
“Sheriff.” Father John said. And Copper paused. “I'd be careful. The woods, and swamps are not far away. And there's no telling what may have crawled out of the bogs this time of year.”
The Sheriff smiled.
“Awe Father, you're concern for my well being is truly touching. But I'm a big strong man, and think I can handle some little woodland critter.” He winked, and continued moving forward.
Copper walked up to the dumpster while the others watched with trepidation. Everyone except Quimby. He was standing there with his hands on his hips. Smiling ear to ear. No doubt thinking about how he was going to tell everyone at the Station about Bob's newfound dumpster phobia.
The Sheriff made it to within a foot of the dumpster and looked in. Nothing happened. He turned around to face the others. A big shit-eating "I'm better than you grin" plastered on his face.
"Ya'see fellas." he said. "There ain't nothing to be afraid of."
"Are ya' sure sheriff?" Boston George asked hesitantly.
Copper shrugged, and turned back around. Stepping up to the lip of the dumpster, he stood on his tip-toes to get a better look.
"Whatever animal it was prob-." The Sheriff's words caught in his throat and his body froze up like a dear in headlights.
"Jesus, Mary, and Jose-!" Copper's words were cut short as the two hundred and thirty pound man was violently ripped off his feet. Simultaneously there came a small explosion of trash. Garbage whizzed by, and Copper's uniform billowed as if caught in a strong gust of wind.
The big man went up, and over the edge. Disappearing in a blur. He didn't even have time to scream. Everyone instinctively back-pedaled.
The group of onlookers that had gathered in the street quickly herded themselves back across to the sidewalk on the other side of the road. The smaller group that had been near the dumpster practically leapt backward to the lip of the alleyway.
Deputy Quimby shouted in surprise. Christie screamed, and Bob joined her. To the passerby it might have sounded like the two were having a "damsel in distress " screaming contest. If they had been Deputy Maxwell, to his credit, would have won.
"Oh my Gaaad! Oh my Gaaad!" Boston George was shrieking over, and over as he back-pedaled into the street. His hysterics were abruptly cut short as he was suddenly struck by Henry McDuff's truck.
Marcus's son hadn't even noticed Boston George until the man was rolling up onto his hood. The farmer panicked as George smashed into his windshield. Simultaneously jerking the wheel hard to the left, while slamming on the breaks.
A split second later the rusty, red pickup smashed into a car parked in front of East Bay Salon. George went rolling off and over the hood of the other vehicle. Falling over the other side, and disappearing from McDuff's view almost as quickly as he'd appeared.
The open bed of the truck had been literally overflowing with freshly harvested apples. Upon impact, the fruit erupted out of the bed like a volcano. Creating a small apple tsunami that rolled across the street.
The screeching of tires forced Bob's horrified gaze from the the spot where Sheriff Copper had recently occupied, to the street behind him. But only for a moment. Once he realized that it was just a car accident he quickly snapped his gaze back down the alleyway. Pulling out his service revolver as he did so. Carnivorous dumpsters taking precedence over car accidents.
For a moment everybody just stood there in silence. Then there came a great rumble from within the Dumpster that to Bob, sounded like a giant burping. At the same time several pieces of trash shot up high into the air.
The crowd took another collective step backward as the assorted debris came raining down. Clattering, and clanking to the ground between themselves and the alleyway. Glass shattered. Empty metal cans went bouncing across the pavement.
The smaller group at the edge of the alley raised their hands over their heads protectively as garbage came falling to the ground all around them. A big aluminum can bounced off Bob's shoulder. It didn't really hurt, but it did make him jump.
The last thing to land was the Sheriff's hat. The brim had a jagged tear that looked like a shark had taken a bite out of it. The sight of the hat was apparently Quimby's breaking point.
For a second later the man let out a howl that was one part terror, and one part war cry. He raised the Pump Action (which Bob only now realized the Deputy had unslung from his back) and the weapon “BOOMED!” deafeningly. It happened so fast that Bob hadn't even had time to shout at him to stop, or he could hit the Sheriff.
The buckshot struck the side of the Dumpster. Sending out a shower of sparks. But as far as Bob could tell it failed to penetrate the thick metal.
Quimby continued moving forward. Pumping his shotgun and firing over, and over. Howling like a madman all the while.
Hi! To anyone who might be familiar with my writing style, you'll already know that I don't know how to write a "proper" short story. It's a character flaw.;)
Anyway if you made it this far and would like to read the rest. I'm going to have the remainder posted in the comments section below. Labelled as (PT A, B, C, ect) Anyway. hope you enjoy the rest!
submitted by ChrisKoleszar to DrCreepensVault [link] [comments]

Season 5 - Short Commentary + Tier List

Just a creative experiment. Note, episodes are tiered in the context of the show as a whole as opposed to the one season.
Homer’s Barbershop Quartet: Maybe it’s because barbershop is dull and hard to swallow as a pop sensation in the 1980s or because major characters (Homer, Skinner, Apu etc.) feel strung impulsively together in an arc, but this episode never struck the right tone with me. Tier (B)
Cape Feare: Likely the most memorable Sideshow Bob episode, with lots of gag humor (Homer at the theater, Mr. Thompson, cactus patch etc.), theatrics and some genuine suspense. Tier (S)
Homer Goes to College: The setup at the Nuclear plant is amusing as Homer inadvertently slips quarantine and goes on to cause a meltdown from within a simulation. It devolves from there into bland college tropes however. Tier (C)
Rosebud: It’s always painful to see Homer lose out on a fortune because of Maggie’s attachment to a moldy, stuffed bear – unlike “The Old Man and the Lisa”, there is no obvious ethical dilemma. Also Burns is casually retconned into someone from humble upbringings adopted by rich people as a child. Honorable mention for Homer spending the night eating through a pack of sliced cheese. Tier (B)
Treehouse of Horror IV: Vampires are a tired theme (and there is little foundation for the twist at the end) but otherwise this is a solid Treehouse episode with two memorable segments. Tier (A)
Marge on the Lam: Ironically one of the tamest episodes where Marge gets some R&R, compared to losing her kids to social services, cutting it close to an affair, or making the news by holding up traffic on a bridge. Some pity laughs for Lionel Hutz. Tier (B)
Bart’s Inner Child: All in all, a well-done, if awkwardly bridged, episode that casts some insight on Bart’s personality and at the same time shows that personal growth can’t necessarily be commoditized. Bullies bouncing off of Homer’s car when they find the trampoline gone is a noteworthy offscreen gag. Tier (B)
Boy-Scoutz ‘n the Hood: Feels as disjointed as Bart’s squishee bender, with a lazy ex-machina (Krusty Burger on an oil rig) to boot. Tier (C)
The Last Temptation of Homer: Colonel Homer this ain’t. The plot is fairly simplistic between Homer’s perfect compatibility with Mindy (presuming what people are really looking for in relationships is themselves. Not to mention her uncanny figure with the Homer Simpson lifestyle) and the absence of tension in his marriage that might play up the conflict. Also Bart’s side-plot is as dull as his made-over persona. Tier (B)
$pringfield (or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Legalized Gambling): Everything returns to its treads each week as a rule for animated sitcoms, however the shift of setting to a casino (whose demolition is fleetingly mentioned in a later episode) is a big departure all the same. Marge’s gambling addiction lacks novelty somehow (reminiscent of the Al Brooks comedy Lost in America as well as a later Family Guy episode where Lois has the bug). And the Howard Hughes reference is boilerplate. Tier (C)
Homer The Vigilante: A largely inconsequential episode as the cat burglar fades into obscurity. Also exposition in the process of doing something (Homer abusing the role of neighborhood watch) is lazy storytelling you would expect from a later season. Tier (C)
Bart Gets Famous: A one-note episode that channeled little recollection when revisiting the series. Tier (C)
Homer and Apu: The first half hits the spot with its gut humor, but the second half stews, including the throwaway trip to India and the James Woods side-plot that gets more tired upon each reviewing (arguably an early case of forcing celebrities into the show just for the sake of it). Tier (B)
Lisa vs. Malibu Stacy: The message of this episode (Lisa’s arc at least) is on point, although it is somewhat short on laughs. Tier (B)
Deep Space Homer: One of my least favorite ‘popular’ episodes. The plot is completely devoid of realism nor particularly funny for all that. Tier (C)
Homer Loves Flanders: Probably one of the most low-key, underrated episodes of the show, as one of its cornerstones is flipped and Flanders learns to be careful what he wishes for. Notwithstanding some weird fourth wall breaking at the end. Tier (A)
Bart Gets an Elephant: Another episode completely ungrounded in reality while also scant in humor (a couple of clever small gags here and there with the family trashing the house in a split second after it’s cleaned and Homer feeding the elephant peanuts at Moe’s). As a bit of trivia this is also the first appearance of Cletus. Tier (C)
Burn’s Heir: Vintage Burns episode with a number of memorable small moments – “Mr. Kurns”, reprogrammed Moleman, “I am a good workguy” and many others. Tier (A)
Sweet Seymour Skinner’s Baadasssss Song: Chalmers’s grilling of Skinner reaches critical mass and Flanders in full character lets the school go to hell. Tier (A). It’s noteworthy that Hey Arnold, which shares a major cast member (Dan Castellaneta as Grandpa), creative culture, and if you believe some, a parallel universe with the Simpsons, has a very similar episode with Wartz getting canned and briefly replaced by Simmons (the ‘Skinner’ and ‘Ned’ of that show respectively).
The Boy Who Knew Too Much: The plot of this one is pretty mundane/forgettable notwithstanding a few japes such as Skinner hunting down Bart and Homer exposed sleeping through court. Tier (B). On a side note, Hey Arnold also did a “Hooky” episode that was more thematically on point.
Lady Bouvier’s Lover: One of those plots strung together for convenience, and a love triangle between peevish octogenarians is just about the dullest premise you can have for an episode. Its outcome (let alone Jacqueline Bouvier, one of the most irritating characters on the show) is forgotten as soon as set. Tier (C)
Secrets of a Successful Marriage: Has the strong feel of a later season episode with the gimmicky plot and preachy, lopsided take on the Simpsons’ marriage. Homer spilling secrets is amusing I guess. Tier (B)
submitted by ESComments to TheSimpsons [link] [comments]

Let's play this game again: What are the three individual episodes where you wanted to reach into the screen and just slap those kids silly and why?

I know, I know the kids are the backbone of the show more than the parents. I know they keep people watching and keep plots running. Especially since Bob is just barely in it these days; almost like his curse of Sandy Frye came back to haunt him; Bob's family ended up barely being in the commercial that he shot with Sandy Frye now Bob himself is barely used in his own show Bob's Burgers! Cruel irony or just coincidence? But I digress. Regardless of their personal roles they play, be it getting what they want through pure manipulation or just drama for the sake of drama, those kids always pulled through and never failed but for many different episodes they can be violently, maliciously, inconsiderate [Louise] just a brat for the sake of being a brat [Gene] or a downright sexual predator [Tina] and there's just no excuse for that.
Here are mine:
Louise: The kids run the restaurant. This episode is Louise at her worst and it started off as one thing led to another and gotten completely out of hand but it made me question her supposed love for her father. First of all, everything at the end was Louise's fault and hers alone. She already knew that Bob was injured and had to get stitches more than once, but his hemophilia won't let him heal correctly and she used it against him. She sabotaged the restaurant's business by trying to turn the basement into a gambling casino and of course messed up royal in the process then Bob had to come and rescue her to bail her out of trouble which she caused in the first place and the final game was Rock Paper Scissors so Louise demands that he play it against Fishoder and use his injured hand to throw the scissors. Saying it's epic that way. Epic fail is more like, Bob was quickly running out of blood to spill, did she care? No, not in the slightest. It didn't bother her at all that Bob could have died had he bled out. Just because she wanted to see something epic after she messed up royal with illegal activity and was now being blackmailed by Fishoder. How selfish. Hemophilia is serious a chapped lip or hangnail could kill them because the blood doesn't clot it just runs and runs. Hemophiliacs aren't toys they aren't water guns that you just refill with water afterwards and everything is fine. But Bob was just way too submissive to her and he had a hand that wasn't injured a hand that had no stitches but Louise insisted that Bob use his cripple hand and re-injure himself. Louise didn't tell him that it would be okay to use his good healthy hand, nor did he ask, he let her order him around and throw scissors with an injured hand and stitches he was not supposed to separate, bleeding out, passing out and almost dying in his own basement. Oh yeah, spraying blood all over Mr. Fishoder's nice white suit was really epic and did Louise show sympathy, caring, self-awareness or regret for any of it? NO! If I were Bob once my hand healed correctly; I would have thrown her out on her bunny ears hat!
Gene: Beefsquatch! A lot of people point to Best Burger as Gene's worst episode ever, but I can't agree. I think it's this one personally. In Best Burger he just comes across as simple. Remember what I wrote earlier in the introduction about Gene being a brat for the sake of being a brat? Over here on Beefsquatch it's very true, he comes across as a shark trying to steal not only Bob's thunder but his career as well he was needlessly being a brat. This is behavior that you do not reward and I felt sorry for Eugene Mirman voicing I mean shouting, shrieking, screaming him; and people always try to convince me that he's Russian and he's used to it, but I disagree, he was screaming everything loud enough to break a blood vessel. I'm loud; my family says that I'm the loudest person on the planet! But even I could tell how much was rehearsed and how much was projected halfway though. Anyways, if Gene wanted to run around wearing a mask, that's one thing but when he crashed into the TV Station's news set and started sabotaging Bob's cooking show segments multiple times to a point where Bob actually had to stoop to his level of pettiness, pranks and drama taking everything to the extreme, speaking of extreme, is serving Mr. Beefsquatch [Gene] a habenero, ghost pepper, spice, spice burger a form of child abuse? That happened, that went on and Gene carried on from beginning to end before hanging up his mask. And what adds insult to injury was just how out of the blue it was and it was a shame because the Belchers could have come into some good money that they always lack, but because of his antics? Wasn't to be.
Tina: Boywatch. Where to start with this one? Just title alone is red flag and tells you what to expect as well! Aiy-yi-yi! Goddamn it Tina, you're not God's gift to teen boys so stop trying to be! Oh my God, from start to finish? It's one thing to be attracted to people and want them to see you in a sexy bathing suit it's a whole other thing though to tell lies and go to unreasonable lengths to create an imaginary relationship with him? If that wasn't enough the only reason she wanted to join the lifeguards was because he was there and his friends were rolling in the sand and calling it sugar cookies. Okay, wouldn't the better solution have been to walk up to three of them, ask about the sugar cookies and ask if they could roll through the sand just once with her so she could see what it felt like? Tina’s imagination is usually pretty funny, but she was bordering on unlikable by thinking that she was the hero in her own story when she wasn’t putting in the effort that everyone else was and deluded herself into thinking that everyone was telling her to keep going when they wanted her to quit. Tina’s behavior seemed skeevy and inappropriate. Imagine how it would turn around it if she was a boy. Yes, originally Tina was going to be a boy named Daniel but they decided at the last minute to make him a girl named Tina with a really deep masculine voice so I guess it stands to reason that for every once in awhile, they either try to justify it by having Tina behave in ways that boys would have been charged with sexual harassment or assault but girls often get away with in real life. After deluding herself into thinking that these new teens she was with were her friends even though they showed no interest in friendship with her at all, even going as far as stealing a CPR mannequin for practice rescue it came time to redeem Tina and what did they come up with? A complete non-emergency situation that could have been prevented! So the instructor books the lifeguard's run and the sand castle contest on the same day. Brilliant. How thought out and predictable. Tina's solution? Force the other teen lifeguards to become beach bullies and kick down everyone's sand castle. All she had to do was blow a whistle and command the teen lifeguards to just join hands and create a blockade to keep everyone tight so the runners would have to stop or bump into them. This episode just should not have happened; red flags everywhere and Tina was doing everything to end up on the sex offender registry.
submitted by sweetjiji to BobsBurgers [link] [comments]

Boondocks marathon on Monday, Home Movies gets an 8:00p weekday slot, Family Guy goes back down to 11:00p while Rick and Morty goes up to 9:30p, and more crazy shenanigans

sources: main site, swimpedia
First things first: there's a marathon of The Boondocks on Monday, MLK Day. Runs from 11:00 - 4:00 and contains notable episodes from the first three seasons.
Next, there's a huge weekday schedule change a comin' this Tuesday:
Time New schedule Old schedule
8:00p Home Movies American Dad
8:30p Bob's Burgers American Dad
9:00p Bob's Burgers Bob's Burgers
9:30p Rick and Morty Bob's Burgers
10:00p American Dad Family Guy
10:30p American Dad Family Guy
11:00p Family Guy Rick and Morty
11:30p Family Guy Robot Chicken
12:00a Robot Chicken Mike Tyson Mysteries
12:30a Mike Tyson Mysteries Momma Named Me Sheriff
1:00a Ballmastrz: 9009 American Dad repeat
1:15a Superjail American Dad repeat
1:30a Family Guy repeat American Dad repeat
2:00a Family Guy repeat Bob's Burgers repeat
2:30a American Dad repeat Family Guy repeat
3:00a American Dad repeat Family Guy repeat
3:30a Rick and Morty repeat Rick and Morty repeat
4:00a Moral Orel Moral Orel
4:30a Mike Tyson Mysteries repeat Mike Tyson Mysteries repeat
5:00a Bob's Burgers repeat Robot Chicken repeat (censored)
5:30a Bob's Burgers repeat Bob's Burgers repeat
I guess they thought their current lineup was too safe? Either way it feels like a pretty big gamble to put Home Movies, which hasn't always been the best performer as a lead-in program, at 8:00p almost every day. It IS paired with Bob's Burgers though, which is probably for the better. They're kinda treating Rick and Morty like The Cleveland Show nowadays: airing its few episodes endlessly at a 9:30p timeslot. Either way, I like when they take risks.
Friday nights are a little weird, though.
Time New schedule Old schedule
8:00p Home Movies American Dad
8:30p Bob's Burgers American Dad
9:00p Bob's Burgers Bob's Burgers
9:30p Rick and Morty Bob's Burgers
10:00p American Dad Family Guy
10:30p American Dad Family Guy
11:00p Rick and Morty Rick and Morty
11:30p Family Guy Mike Tyson Mysteries
12:00a Joe Pera (new) Joe Pera (new)
12:30a Dream Corp LLC Dream Corp LLC
1:00a The Eric Andre Show The Eric Andre Show
1:30a Family Guy Family Guy repeat
2:00a Family Guy repeat Family Guy repeat
2:30a Rick and Morty repeat Rick and Morty repeat
3:00a Bob's Burgers repeat Mike Tyson Mysteries repeat
3:30a Joe Pera repeat Joe Pera repeat
4:00a Williams Stream Williams Stream
4:30a Dream Corp LLC repeat Dream Corp LLC repeat
5:00a Bob's Burgers repeat Bob's Burgers repeat
5:30a Home Movies repeat Bob's Burgers repeat
It's not a bad schedule for sure, but it's just... sloppy? I don't see the need for two Rick and Morty reruns, especially when one causes a Family Guy episode to air at 1:30a. But considering Family Guy has an expiration date now, I guess they should be taking attempts to wean off of depending on it, so fine, I guess.
Minor changes: - Samurai Jack returns to the lineup this Saturday at 5:30a, replacing Home Movies. - Metalocalypse encores replace Home Movies encores at 4:30a on Sundays staring next week. - Xavier Renegade Angel and Frisky Dingo replace Moral Orel at 4:00a weekdays on the 27th.
submitted by kianworld to adultswim [link] [comments]

Bob's Burgers is the same show as It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia (x-post from r/IASIP)

I am not writing this because I think either show has stolen from the other. I also realize that many of these similar plots are popular in comedy shows and have been used in other shows too. I am a huge fan of both shows and I just noticed a lot of parallels between the two that I don't know if others have noticed. I first noticed this when watching S02E07 of Bob's Burgers "Moody Foodie" In this episode Bob gets angry at at food critic for giving him a bad review, so he goes to his house and holds him hostage there. Sound familiar? It is the exact same plot if S04E08 of Sunny "Paddy's Pub: The Worst Bar in Philadelphia"
Both shows focus on a group of 5 people that own and operate a barestaurant, who's poor social skills and many schemes land them on the outskirts of society.
Gene = Charlie. Both are short, chubby, gross, and play the keyboard.
Louise = Frank. Both are short, enjoy being on the fringe of society, and are often the mastermind of various plots and schemes.
Linda = Dee. Although both have a flair for show business, they work in a crappy barestaurant with their family.
These last two were a little trickier
Dennis = Tina. They both have a passion for all things erotic and have written their own erotic stories.
Mac = Bob. Both have a poor relationship with their father, look up to a baseball player who is younger than them, and believe they are in charge of the barestaurant even though the others are really running things.
Both shows have an odd relative named Gayle/Gail - Aunt Gayle and Gail the Snail.
In Bob's Burgers a heath inspector hates their family. In Sunny a lawyer hates the gang. But to be fair, a lot of people hate the gang.
I have made a list of all episodes that share the same/a similar plot. If you do not agree or have thought of one I've missed feel free to let me know.
As you can see, these shows have a lot in common that took me a long time to notice.
submitted by nationaltreasure to BobsBurgers [link] [comments]

Hello! Created a Rick and Morty Theory on the wrong reddit page /facepalm

Hello All! This will be a repeat of Info with this new information added and the Link to the Original to make sure THAT I AM THE ORIGINAL OWNER OF THIS THEORY THAT I HOPE DOESN'T EXIST YET!
Times will be Off!

Hey Y'all! Here to explain what Rick and Morty is~
Given Information:
-Plot follows along with Evil Morty (Even if you admit it or not... hes big into the season)
-C-137 Rick is the Rickest Rick .... making any morty with him the Morties MORTY! (View how I phrased how the Morties Morty is defined)
-Rick has "Love" for Morty (shown throughout the show) which has been confirmed multiple times through Toxic Rick saving Toxic Morty regardless of his "Apathy" toward anyone BUT MORTY! REMEMBER THIS! We all know Beth is a whinny hurt daughter due to the fact her FATHER left him for X UNKNOWN uncounted years, Plus Evil Rick showing Ricks morty where Rick was crying... IF NOT ENOUGH! Lets talk about Israel? I mean 1 MILLLLLLLLLLION TIMES BETTER! (You get it......)
-By "LAW" of the Rick and Morty Universe a positive and negative must always join? Positive and Negative. Positive Charge currents and Negative charge currents Stupid and Smart. Good and Evil........ AKA ONE GENIUS and the person related to the genius who can "CANCEL OFF" the rick wave.....
-All Ricks and Morty's are all equal in Age, Gender, Qualities and somewhat look (Face and clothes) , rest can vary within each dimension.
First I have to explain a Great theory I heard about Evil Morty in general! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LgKXeF0zKM0). Taking this Basic information about how Evil Morty is Portrait-ed IT HIT ME!! Doofus Rick (Jerry Loving Rick OR THE SADDEST RICK OF THEM ALL! (REMEMBER THESE WORDS)) was a RICK with no family (WHICH IS THE REASON HE HAS NO MORTY AS HE TELLS JERRY SADLY!) but somehow this RICK is part of the Council of Rick and the fact that HES HATED FOR BEING DIFFERENT! not different in the way of his treatment to Jerry BUT THE TREATMENT OF MAYBE HOW HE GOT ACCEPTED IN THE COUNCIL???????????????? maybe hes hated because of his SUPERIOR difference between the smart apathetic ricks that use morties as a passive human shield? aka Positive and Negative! HMMMMMMMM??????? Which would explain why a Rick in the Council of Rick's doesnt have a morty when Rick himself (THE RICKEST RICK) was given a Half ass reward for his own ability to prove his own innocence when everyone turned on him (even his own morty before helping him and acknowledge he is lucky he is not a rick because if SOMEONE WHO WAS RAISED LIKE RICK WAS IN THAT SITUATION MAYBE IT BE DIFFERENT? MAYBE THE MORTY WOULD ALLOW THE RICK TO DIE JUST LIKE ROBOT EVIL RICK!!!???!!!??! Maybe this shows how strong and Independent Morty is without rick and that in the end Rick just brings him down all the time to stop that potential.......(Look at the OPEN credits of ricvk and morty where rick push's morty AFTER pulling down his underwear in front of girls LAUGHING adding more abuse! or how about Rick's attempt to be A1 wing man and leads Morty to a hard breaking rejection... which tbh i had to skip because it hurt from my end.... But nether less! IF HES THE SMARTEST MAN IN THE UNIVERSE!? wouldn't he know everything... like if she has a BF!?!??!?!?!?!? or maybe knowing black president chief executive general Home address and mother situation isnt enough for the "WOW RICK DOES KNOW EVERYTHING"? which if you dont ! dont worry! I have BETTER PROOF!
Keeping in mind from the video (Which will be explained HERE!) (Skipable)
When the video explains the Current Rick and Morty in which we see and love to watch, they put a graph with the X and Y labeled Rickest Rick/Morties Morty and Apathy/Intellect it makes sense how the two are plotted together (Which follows the rule of Postive and Negative... Ying and Yang...) So he goes into depth about a Morty if in the same aspect of rick (Which it becomes Curved and impossible to exist) he continues to explain that the reason is due to Morty giving off an Anti-Rick field which makes them all the same (99.9999999999999%).
THE TRUTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Taking that into mind with the aspect that Rick has been missing for X amount of time and that clearly Evil Morty and Doofus rick and connected. I have a few clips I would love to refer on.
What if Rick IS INDEED THE RICKEST RICK! MEANING THAT IN THE END HE IS STILL A RICK AND FOLLOWS THE RULES OF RICK! BUT!!! is the best RICK OF THEM ALL? What if that means he's not only the smartest one! but the one capable of manipulating the knowledge of the ricks... What? Im saying what if C-137 Rick used a clear unknown rule breaking agenda method that we or even THE RICK COUNCIL LEADERS CANNOT SEE (Which foreshadows the upcoming of Evil Morty because a Nation/government/ruling is on top if it knows the most (IRL FACTS!)) then how could we tell? Which lead's me into my Summary Bellow! but I have PROOF that Rick did SABOTAGE HIS OWN RICKNESS! making him the Rickest Rick of them all.....
Rick and Morty Episode 3: Rick Escaping the Galactic Federation
-As rick and a Galactic solider walk down talking about the situation in which rick is held AKA Brain melting device that reads REAL PAST MEMORIES!!!!!!!!!!!! you start to see a Happy Energetic Life enthusiastic Rick in which is something very unknown and unique (Especially seeing how willing full he did leave his wife/daughter BECAUSE HE DID!!!!). After the dark evil rick appears(Which is a lighter dark personality of someone we are more accustomed to.... RICKEST RICK AKA C-137) and that happy rick confirms that HE IS A DIFFERENT TYPE OF RICK!!!! and lastly dark Rick responding with "Lets see how long that will last" AS IN KNOWING THAT HE KNOWS HIMSELF THAT HE... A RICK... IS A COLD RICKLESS BASTARD WHO WILL USE MORTIES FOR THERE OWN BENEFIT!!! Funny enough.... arent all the Ricks equal in some way? Just like the Morties. As Morty is to coward, Rick is to bully..... Why would ANY RICK EVER WANT TO DO THAT?? Maybe dark Rick foreshadowed another event? Aka the "DEATH" of his family (Which i will talk later into detail why I believe its STAGED!) which led Rick to his escape out of the Brain melting device! Continuing the thought that dark Rick left on a dark note... please be aware that the Happy rick is wearing the same exact outfit as EVERY OTHER FRICKEN RICK IN THE WHOLE GOD DAM SERIES! HIS LAB COAT! (Other then top ricks who NEED TO STAND OUT (Which they did after the Original Council Fell in regard to this Rick where previously all the ricks where in lined of similar statue uniform whether be Co-Op Ambush or Casual wear.... they all match and all have the same equal traits.) But dark rick is wearing a black coat like something similar to Co-Op(Black is the most known color for Burglars and just most easily camouflaged color in the dark so its known as "Co-Op" colors)... Is it not that weird especially how all ricks are grouped and non-differentiated? Why was this rick solo and dressed code different? Maybe the rickest Rick is not only everything i said^ Plus a bad ass compared to fashion socialist making it a personal Rick work. Once happy Rick talks to his wife says this "Science thing isnt working out" and makes a notion to eat sweet desserts with the family, you clearly see how the story lines up that Rick is Rick because hes 2 things ... a) Smart b) An emotionless A$$. In the actual Event of the Death of Happy Rick Beth and Wife you clearly saw 0 blood but fire and other parts caught from the explosion... Why was there no blood or body parts? HAS RICK AND MORTY EVER BEEN AFRAID TO SHOW BLOOD? hmmmmm How that Gap in time is known and noticeable but unexplained? Why was Evil Morty and Doofus brought up on the same episode? Dimension gap Rick and Morty?
More Facts cuz i got tired......
- The Galactic scene with Rick being shown memories never describes HOW THE MEMORY IS SHOWN! like how he tricks the people, These are real memories but with different angle outlooks.
-Maybe the clone panic regarding Beth was a spiritual aspect in which she could imagine SOMEHOW that she figured that there was another Beth with-in her Fathers Heart? I mean it took Pickle rick for us to see how stupid they've been for X many years (3rd season..........) to show them that they can be close and they just need to drink!
-Jarry when Beth is a "Clone"..... "JARRY WINS EVERY TIME" says Rick... How... We see him lose in utter failure every time that even the wind of his existence calls his a loser......
MOREEE!! (Funny enough I ended with this part and its 5 AM and started at 12:00AM...... I hope everyone enjoyed this)
/Spoiler What if C-137 Rick faked the death of another timeline of Beth and His wife (Which is shown as a REAL MEMORY in the Galactic Escape episode) and then creates an experiment outside the known rules of a Dumb Morty laws and creates this "Scientific" Morty aka Evil Morty which is seeking the kill the UNKNOWN RICKS THAT ARE SIMILAR TO HIM (Remember Evil Robot Rick picking and killing Ricks in the same Apathy/Smartness as him? Maybe Evil Morty was never told his Dimension Code so he wouldn't realize that Morties are ACTUALLY STUPID in which led to the rise of his Power in the Council as an Opportunity..... Clearly if you dont know how Rick makes moves Aka waiting for the First person to make the Move, then you need to re-watch Evil Morty Council episode in where he RUNS FOR PRESIDENT AND POWER after the current reign has fallen because oh who? OH! RICK! who took down the council which then who did Rick wait on? OH! HIS GRANDCHILDREN!. What if Rick emotionless, overstepping, egoistical a$$ faked the death of another timeline which involved ONLY RICK AT THE TIME! to test for his experiments for raising Morty in the way of science vs disrespect which created this paradox of a living Happy Rick, which Rick himself prob didnt know the outcome of a Rick losing his family which is what we are seeing in that the whole conversation up till the point of Ricks family death was "Giving up science" and as I mentioned the Foreshadow of all ricks being the same (Other then Doofus rick) in A$$ and smart; but Doofus lacks one of two KNOWN QUALITIES!? Which in created this 1% Smart Good rick and 1% Smart Evil Morty in which we can assume that THE ONLY RICK TO NEVER HAVE A FAMILY is somewhat kinder due to the qualities in life that was never given vs another rick who is not only a rick but personally feels a more entitled acted out rick who creates chaos, drama and violence everywhere......Rick and Morty!? Amirite? /spoiler
At what point do we have to look at this serious different? We all know from Wubba Lubba Dove Dove that Rick is regretful and basically wants to die (Multiple attempts of suicide and his EXTREME RECKLESS LIFESTYLE!) that THIS IS THE AFTERMATH? What do i mean? WHAT IF THE TRUE STORY WAS RICK AND MORTY AKA EVIL MORTY! teamed up with C137 Rick to create the ultimate tag team as a "TEST" for a "SCIENTIST EXPERIMENT" which funny enough this whole serious is based off..... Just like Bobs Burger from the point of Bob; thinking if this story was told from a side of Bob hallucinating on Pain killers due to the fact that he lost his family and are "Imagining" the good lovable times off his messed up lovable family.... Why do I say this? "YOUR ALL TERRIBLE AT YOUR JOB! but I still love you" and etc but just think of it from Bobs angle..... Bob is a Man who likes to do the job right (WHY BOB OWNS A BURGER RESTAURANT AND FIGHTS WITH JIMMY PESTO ABOUT INTEGRITY!) So when Linda (Crazy Nut job who in the last episode made a dramatic scene where she sleept-walk-gambled in she was about to get killed because of the weirdo who was in the card (Shy Female) Bob Anger intervenes with "She's not going to kill you Lyn..." and Linda says "Dont say that bob! that's rude! I can so get murdered" and Teddy always blindly agreeing with "Yea BOB! dont tell your wife she cant get murdered".... and MORE! but in the end the Family does put Bob at the "LOWEST RANKING MEMBER OF THE FAMILY" and somehow put him as the "Bad guy" or the Guy whos not in-tune to the family... But most of all its just the point of capitalizing how inflexible Bob is when events happens which usually starts from his family
-Christmas episode with Candy Cane Truck (Almost getting killed off Linda poor knowledge in tree's and him the Bad guy ON CHRISTMAS for hitting a waiter (Accidentally ofc) IN FRONT OF A COP! (poor bob... first coming on like a crazy man asking a cop to do his job and then accidentally bumping an employee due to lack of acknowledgement... common theme)
-Fighting for Banj-O
-Louis getting Sick and Bob had to travel and learn about Boju!(Green toy)
-Unicorn episode where TINA IN THE END SAYS! "maybe im to old for dolls" and Bob gets "psycho" about it lolol!
-TOILET TURKEY!? enough said... he got problems
Many more!
I figured out the truth Behind Rick and Morty and how it refers to Conspiracies funny enough, but because of Conspiracy's posting getting 1,000% Insta something( Ban or Unknown x.x) , HMU if you'd like to know about those personally but for right now this is the clean version #Illumani #ComeAtMe #TRUTH #FearingTheUnknown
Look for my South Park one! (Tom ofc)
submitted by GAMER010101 to rickandmortytheory [link] [comments]


Hey Y'all! Here to explain what Rick and Morty is~
Given Information:
-Plot follows along with Evil Morty (Even if you admit it or not... hes big into the season)
-C-137 Rick is the Rickest Rick .... making any morty with him the Morties MORTY! (View how I phrased how the Morties Morty is defined)
-Rick has "Love" for Morty (shown throughout the show) which has been confirmed multiple times through Toxic Rick saving Toxic Morty regardless of his "Apathy" toward anyone BUT MORTY! REMEMBER THIS! We all know Beth is a whinny hurt daughter due to the fact her FATHER left him for X UNKNOWN uncounted years, Plus Evil Rick showing Ricks morty where Rick was crying... IF NOT ENOUGH! Lets talk about Israel? I mean 1 MILLLLLLLLLLION TIMES BETTER! (You get it......)
-By "LAW" of the Rick and Morty Universe a positive and negative must always join? Positive and Negative. Positive Charge currents and Negative charge currents Stupid and Smart. Good and Evil........ AKA ONE GENIUS and the person related to the genius who can "CANCEL OFF" the rick wave.....
-All Ricks and Morty's are all equal in Age, Gender, Qualities and somewhat look (Face and clothes) , rest can vary within each dimension.

First I have to explain a Great theory I heard about Evil Morty in general! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LgKXeF0zKM0). Taking this Basic information about how Evil Morty is Portrait-ed IT HIT ME!! Doofus Rick (Jerry Loving Rick OR THE SADDEST RICK OF THEM ALL! (REMEMBER THESE WORDS)) was a RICK with no family (WHICH IS THE REASON HE HAS NO MORTY AS HE TELLS JERRY SADLY!) but somehow this RICK is part of the Council of Rick and the fact that HES HATED FOR BEING DIFFERENT! not different in the way of his treatment to Jerry BUT THE TREATMENT OF MAYBE HOW HE GOT ACCEPTED IN THE COUNCIL???????????????? maybe hes hated because of his SUPERIOR difference between the smart apathetic ricks that use morties as a passive human shield? aka Positive and Negative! HMMMMMMMM??????? Which would explain why a Rick in the Council of Rick's doesnt have a morty when Rick himself (THE RICKEST RICK) was given a Half ass reward for his own ability to prove his own innocence when everyone turned on him (even his own morty before helping him and acknowledge he is lucky he is not a rick because if SOMEONE WHO WAS RAISED LIKE RICK WAS IN THAT SITUATION MAYBE IT BE DIFFERENT? MAYBE THE MORTY WOULD ALLOW THE RICK TO DIE JUST LIKE ROBOT EVIL RICK!!!???!!!??! Maybe this shows how strong and Independent Morty is without rick and that in the end Rick just brings him down all the time to stop that potential.......(Look at the OPEN credits of ricvk and morty where rick push's morty AFTER pulling down his underwear in front of girls LAUGHING adding more abuse! or how about Rick's attempt to be A1 wing man and leads Morty to a hard breaking rejection... which tbh i had to skip because it hurt from my end.... But nether less! IF HES THE SMARTEST MAN IN THE UNIVERSE!? wouldn't he know everything... like if she has a BF!?!??!?!?!?!? or maybe knowing black president chief executive general Home address and mother situation isnt enough for the "WOW RICK DOES KNOW EVERYTHING"? which if you dont ! dont worry! I have BETTER PROOF!

Keeping in mind from the video (Which will be explained HERE!) (Skipable)
When the video explains the Current Rick and Morty in which we see and love to watch, they put a graph with the X and Y labeled Rickest Rick/Morties Morty and Apathy/Intellect it makes sense how the two are plotted together (Which follows the rule of Postive and Negative... Ying and Yang...) So he goes into depth about a Morty if in the same aspect of rick (Which it becomes Curved and impossible to exist) he continues to explain that the reason is due to Morty giving off an Anti-Rick field which makes them all the same (99.9999999999999%).

THE TRUTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Taking that into mind with the aspect that Rick has been missing for X amount of time and that clearly Evil Morty and Doofus rick and connected. I have a few clips I would love to refer on.
What if Rick IS INDEED THE RICKEST RICK! MEANING THAT IN THE END HE IS STILL A RICK AND FOLLOWS THE RULES OF RICK! BUT!!! is the best RICK OF THEM ALL? What if that means he's not only the smartest one! but the one capable of manipulating the knowledge of the ricks... What? Im saying what if C-137 Rick used a clear unknown rule breaking agenda method that we or even THE RICK COUNCIL LEADERS CANNOT SEE (Which foreshadows the upcoming of Evil Morty because a Nation/government/ruling is on top if it knows the most (IRL FACTS!)) then how could we tell? Which lead's me into my Summary Bellow! but I have PROOF that Rick did SABOTAGE HIS OWN RICKNESS! making him the Rickest Rick of them all.....
Rick and Morty Episode 3: Rick Escaping the Galactic Federation
-As rick and a Galactic solider walk down talking about the situation in which rick is held AKA Brain melting device that reads REAL PAST MEMORIES!!!!!!!!!!!! you start to see a Happy Energetic Life enthusiastic Rick in which is something very unknown and unique (Especially seeing how willing full he did leave his wife/daughter BECAUSE HE DID!!!!). After the dark evil rick appears(Which is a lighter dark personality of someone we are more accustomed to.... RICKEST RICK AKA C-137) and that happy rick confirms that HE IS A DIFFERENT TYPE OF RICK!!!! and lastly dark Rick responding with "Lets see how long that will last" AS IN KNOWING THAT HE KNOWS HIMSELF THAT HE... A RICK... IS A COLD RICKLESS BASTARD WHO WILL USE MORTIES FOR THERE OWN BENEFIT!!! Funny enough.... arent all the Ricks equal in some way? Just like the Morties. As Morty is to coward, Rick is to bully..... Why would ANY RICK EVER WANT TO DO THAT?? Maybe dark Rick foreshadowed another event? Aka the "DEATH" of his family (Which i will talk later into detail why I believe its STAGED!) which led Rick to his escape out of the Brain melting device! Continuing the thought that dark Rick left on a dark note... please be aware that the Happy rick is wearing the same exact outfit as EVERY OTHER FRICKEN RICK IN THE WHOLE GOD DAM SERIES! HIS LAB COAT! (Other then top ricks who NEED TO STAND OUT (Which they did after the Original Council Fell in regard to this Rick where previously all the ricks where in lined of similar statue uniform whether be Co-Op Ambush or Casual wear.... they all match and all have the same equal traits.) But dark rick is wearing a black coat like something similar to Co-Op(Black is the most known color for Burglars and just most easily camouflaged color in the dark so its known as "Co-Op" colors)... Is it not that weird especially how all ricks are grouped and non-differentiated? Why was this rick solo and dressed code different? Maybe the rickest Rick is not only everything i said^ Plus a bad ass compared to fashion socialist making it a personal Rick work. Once happy Rick talks to his wife says this "Science thing isnt working out" and makes a notion to eat sweet desserts with the family, you clearly see how the story lines up that Rick is Rick because hes 2 things ... a) Smart b) An emotionless A$$. In the actual Event of the Death of Happy Rick Beth and Wife you clearly saw 0 blood but fire and other parts caught from the explosion... Why was there no blood or body parts? HAS RICK AND MORTY EVER BEEN AFRAID TO SHOW BLOOD? hmmmmm How that Gap in time is known and noticeable but unexplained? Why was Evil Morty and Doofus brought up on the same episode? Dimension gap Rick and Morty?
More Facts cuz i got tired......
- The Galactic scene with Rick being shown memories never describes HOW THE MEMORY IS SHOWN! like how he tricks the people, These are real memories but with different angle outlooks.
-Maybe the clone panic regarding Beth was a spiritual aspect in which she could imagine SOMEHOW that she figured that there was another Beth with-in her Fathers Heart? I mean it took Pickle rick for us to see how stupid they've been for X many years (3rd season..........) to show them that they can be close and they just need to drink!
-Jarry when Beth is a "Clone"..... "JARRY WINS EVERY TIME" says Rick... How... We see him lose in utter failure every time that even the wind of his existence calls his a loser......

MOREEE!! (Funny enough I ended with this part and its 5 AM and started at 12:00AM...... I hope everyone enjoyed this)

/Spoiler What if C-137 Rick faked the death of another timeline of Beth and His wife (Which is shown as a REAL MEMORY in the Galactic Escape episode) and then creates an experiment outside the known rules of a Dumb Morty laws and creates this "Scientific" Morty aka Evil Morty which is seeking the kill the UNKNOWN RICKS THAT ARE SIMILAR TO HIM (Remember Evil Robot Rick picking and killing Ricks in the same Apathy/Smartness as him? Maybe Evil Morty was never told his Dimension Code so he wouldn't realize that Morties are ACTUALLY STUPID in which led to the rise of his Power in the Council as an Opportunity..... Clearly if you dont know how Rick makes moves Aka waiting for the First person to make the Move, then you need to re-watch Evil Morty Council episode in where he RUNS FOR PRESIDENT AND POWER after the current reign has fallen because oh who? OH! RICK! who took down the council which then who did Rick wait on? OH! HIS GRANDCHILDREN!. What if Rick emotionless, overstepping, egoistical a$$ faked the death of another timeline which involved ONLY RICK AT THE TIME! to test for his experiments for raising Morty in the way of science vs disrespect which created this paradox of a living Happy Rick, which Rick himself prob didnt know the outcome of a Rick losing his family which is what we are seeing in that the whole conversation up till the point of Ricks family death was "Giving up science" and as I mentioned the Foreshadow of all ricks being the same (Other then Doofus rick) in A$$ and smart; but Doofus lacks one of two KNOWN QUALITIES!? Which in created this 1% Smart Good rick and 1% Smart Evil Morty in which we can assume that THE ONLY RICK TO NEVER HAVE A FAMILY is somewhat kinder due to the qualities in life that was never given vs another rick who is not only a rick but personally feels a more entitled acted out rick who creates chaos, drama and violence everywhere......Rick and Morty!? Amirite? /spoiler

At what point do we have to look at this serious different? We all know from Wubba Lubba Dove Dove that Rick is regretful and basically wants to die (Multiple attempts of suicide and his EXTREME RECKLESS LIFESTYLE!) that THIS IS THE AFTERMATH? What do i mean? WHAT IF THE TRUE STORY WAS RICK AND MORTY AKA EVIL MORTY! teamed up with C137 Rick to create the ultimate tag team as a "TEST" for a "SCIENTIST EXPERIMENT" which funny enough this whole serious is based off..... Just like Bobs Burger from the point of Bob; thinking if this story was told from a side of Bob hallucinating on Pain killers due to the fact that he lost his family and are "Imagining" the good lovable times off his messed up lovable family.... Why do I say this? "YOUR ALL TERRIBLE AT YOUR JOB! but I still love you" and etc but just think of it from Bobs angle..... Bob is a Man who likes to do the job right (WHY BOB OWNS A BURGER RESTAURANT AND FIGHTS WITH JIMMY PESTO ABOUT INTEGRITY!) So when Linda (Crazy Nut job who in the last episode made a dramatic scene where she sleept-walk-gambled in she was about to get killed because of the weirdo who was in the card (Shy Female) Bob Anger intervenes with "She's not going to kill you Lyn..." and Linda says "Dont say that bob! that's rude! I can so get murdered" and Teddy always blindly agreeing with "Yea BOB! dont tell your wife she cant get murdered".... and MORE! but in the end the Family does put Bob at the "LOWEST RANKING MEMBER OF THE FAMILY" and somehow put him as the "Bad guy" or the Guy whos not in-tune to the family... But most of all its just the point of capitalizing how inflexible Bob is when events happens which usually starts from his family
-Christmas episode with Candy Cane Truck (Almost getting killed off Linda poor knowledge in tree's and him the Bad guy ON CHRISTMAS for hitting a waiter (Accidentally ofc) IN FRONT OF A COP! (poor bob... first coming on like a crazy man asking a cop to do his job and then accidentally bumping an employee due to lack of acknowledgement... common theme)
-Fighting for Banj-O
-Louis getting Sick and Bob had to travel and learn about Boju!(Green toy)
-Unicorn episode where TINA IN THE END SAYS! "maybe im to old for dolls" and Bob gets "psycho" about it lolol!
-TOILET TURKEY!? enough said... he got problems
Many more!

I figured out the truth Behind Rick and Morty and how it refers to Conspiracies funny enough, but because of Conspiracy's posting getting 1,000% Insta something( Ban or Unknown x.x) , HMU if you'd like to know about those personally but for right now this is the clean version #Illumani #ComeAtMe #TRUTH #FearingTheUnknown

Look for my South Park one! (Tom ofc)

submitted by GAMER010101 to rickandmorty [link] [comments]

I came up with my own Bob's Burgers episode. NO TEDDY!

The episode is titled: FOR BURGER'S SAKE. Meanwhile, let's get to the episode. It starts off at Bob's restaurant, Linda and Ginger are trading words to create their own poem and things are definitely starting to escalate. Mort and Mike are deep in a conversation and Mort mentions that he has friends who he recently got back in touch with and are going to stop by after they do a little shopping. He keeps mentioning that the couple reminds him of another romantic couple and Linda is just pressing him hard for information, Bob groans and could care less. Then, Gretchen enters and wants a "Better saffron than sorry" burger even though the burger of the day is "Give your mom a cardamom fennel me" Burger day---yeah served/topped with cardamom and fennel. "Sweetish Savory" While Tina Louise and Gene play a board game with Louise winning and taking over everything. She runs around the restaurant dancing and shouting. Everybody starts talking at once. Bob begins to panic because he has nothing to create the "Saffron than Sorry" burger for Gretchen and Linda just makes jokes at his expense. Mort's two friends Molly and Ryan enter. Introductions all around. The kids decide to follow Mike and learn what he does with his spare time. We have a pregnant woman who has a husband who can't be serious. She starts to give Bob pointers about stuff starting with burgers and ending with life---but Ryan can't help but interrupt with his ruckus laughter and singing and he undermines his wife. Linda seems to take a liking to him. Meanwhile, Louise is fascinated by Molly's stomach and can't help but spread her bad influence on the baby. "Uh the baby can hear me right?" She asks quite a few times actually, and mentions gambling, and hunting and typical Louise stuff. Things are getting too much for Bob, and he asks if Linda, Ginger and Gretchen can take Ryan out on the town and get him out of their so he and Molly can work. Mort stays with Molly and Louise. Tina and Gene go out with Mike as he leaves and goes on with his day when he isn't out delivering mail. After a few hours of his antics Linda grows weary, but Ginger and Gretchen don't seem to notice. Soon things escalate and now Linda is in a situation where she has to be the serious one for the whole group she's with. By the same token, Bob begins telling jokes, laughing and singing and overall acting like Linda back at the restaurant with Louise explaining the game of cops and robbers to the unborn baby. At the last stop, Tina and Gene enjoy Wonder Wharf the amusement park with Mike before meeting back at the restaurant. Linda pushes Ryan through the door following Ginger and Gretchen, she then stretches onto a random booth and falls asleep. Molly tells Bob all about life and cooking, and Bob becomes vivacious, finally satisfied to meet a woman as levelheaded as he is, and in the same moral situation---lot in life. Molly is hoping her unborn baby does not turn out like Louise, even though she knows the baby will. It's inevitable. The episode ends with Mort saying out loud, he knows just who Molly and Ryan remind him of: Bob and Linda! So what do you all think? You guys all would watch it right? Teddy cannot appear in this episode---I can't stress that enough!
submitted by sweetjiji to BobsBurgers [link] [comments]

Review your recently watched queue.

So I like coming to this sub to try and find good stuff on Netflix, and I sometimes succeed. But often I just find myself looking through the same old stuff I run across on Netflix anyway. Not that that's bad, it's the nature of the sub and I don't think that should change. However, I think it would be interesting to hear about more films/shows people have watched aside from what they feel as earned an actual recommendation. So I've just taken some time and written a short review for all the movies and shows in my recently watched queue. I think it would be awesome if anyone else wanted to do the same, if only for the last 10 films, or whatever.
That said, here we go...
Bob's Burgers - Kids are great, the mom is great, and Bob is Jon H. Benjamin. Love this show. Head of the pack when it comes to animated family comedies - that's (animated family) comedies, not animated (family comedies). Although, it could count as both I suppose.
Monty Python's The Meaning of Life - If you've never seen anything Monty Python's done, or you can't get into The Holy Grail, I'd recommend this. Some really great sketches in there. (Bonus: if you're a fan of the WKUK like me, it's quite the showcase for how influential MP was on them.)
Attack On Titan - Pretty top-notch anime. I'd be surprised if anyone wasn't hooked within the first 10 seconds. Falls into some pretty typical anime/manga tropes, but it doesn't hurt the story. Looking forward to a new season.
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia - One of the funniest shows around. It's near the top of my list because I throw on an episode all the time. A+ stuff.
Cleanflix - Somewhat interesting documentary about companies in Salt Lake City censoring rated R movies for Mormons. The film strives for a point it never demonstrates with it's content.
Best Worst Movie - Documentary about the "worst movie ever made" - Troll 2. I had to stop this film halfway though and watch Troll 2 before finishing the documentary. Troll 2 was enjoyable. This film, however, was all over the place, had no point, and felt somewhat masturbatory for Troll 2's fans and it's cast who still cling to their 15 minutes of fame. I found it to be, somewhat ironically perhaps, one of the worst documentaries I've seen.
An Idiot Abroad - Ricky Gervais sends his idiot buddy Karl Pilkington to explore the world. Really enjoyable show if you can put up with Gervais' nauseating laughter. Pilkington, on the other hand, is loveable and spouts some of the greatest lines of ignorant wisdom I've ever heard.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Uh, it's pretty bad. Never watched it much when it was on, and I now can see why. Sarah Michelle Gellar looks pretty good in it though. My girldfriend and I put mustaches on our TV screen and drink when someone in the show has a mustache. It is pretty enjoyable on those occasions.
He Was a Quiet Man - Not the best of movies, there are a few scenes that feel out of place or seem to miss the mood, but overall it is an intriguing flick about a man no one respects.
Duplex - I remembered this movie being funnier.
Dealin' With Idiots - A father and comedian decides to interview the parents of the children on his son's little league team. Made me laugh, the ending is hysterical, what more can you ask?
Peep Show - Brilliant. One of the funniest shows on Netflix. If the first couple episodes make you uncomfortable, embrace it and keep going.
Archer - It's funny, but I never feel myself really enjoying it. I think it's that the characters just never feel like they mesh to me. But people love the show, and it is funny.
Battle Royal II - I turned it off. If you love the first don't bother.
Inside Mcdonalds - Ah, some good old mcdonalds propaganda.
The Switch - Girlfriend watched it, I overheard. Sounded dreadful.
Unicorn City - Girlfriend watched it, I overheard. Sounded kinda dumb. They make a live action roll play camp, but I just don't believe anyone would actually enjoy going to it. It didn't look fun at all.
Guns, Girls, and Gambling - So I kind of just watch anything Christian Slater is in (for better or worse), but I wish I skipped this. It's awful. It felt like the PG version of Lucky Number Slevin. Idiotic is a good word.
All the Boys Love Mandy Lane - Crap. Crap, crap, crap, crap, crap. The worst "horror" movie I have ever seen. Every character sucks from the premise to their actor. I just wanted them to die, and they did eventually, but it couldn't redeem this huge turd pile.
Death Race 2000 - Surprisingly good! Campy 70's race flick, but I actually really enjoyed it. I was expecting just to laugh, which I did, but got a little more than I expected too.
Spaceballs - It's Spaceballs, what can I say? If you haven't seen it, you should probably watch it.
Not Fade Away - Girlfriend watched it, I overheard. Sounded pretty good. The main character is clearly a Bob Dylan impersonation, from his hair, to his attitude, to the handful of scenes that imitate iconic images of the Folk legend.
Bad Samaritans - I don't know what this is or why it's on my Netflix recently watched.
Submarine - Girlfriend watched it, I overheard. It was a pretty surreal experience to listen to this movie. It just felt like dull people doing dull things and getting really anxious about their outcomes. Some guy gets a blowjob while doing karate. Yeah...I have no idea what went on in this movie.
Orange is the New Black - Eh, I was kind of in and out of this one. Interesting at times, overly dramatic at others. Basically, this engaged chick goes to prison and agrees with her fiance not to get to involved with "prison life," but that's her life now, so how can she avoid it?
Futurama - If you haven't seen Futurama, go watch Futurama.
Sexy Evil Genius - Strangers meet at a bar and discuss their mutual ex-girlfriend. Then she shows up and someone dies. I wouldn't necessarily recommend it, but I wouldn't say it's crap either.
Terminal Invasion - Oh, god...I watched it for Bruce Campbell, and he was his usual self, but from what I remember the movie was pretty lame.
Maron - Reminds me of Louie, only less depressing. I feel like that was comedian Marc Maron's pitch, "I'm thinking we do Louie, but in a way that doesn't make you wanna kill yourself." Pretty good show, but I'll still take Louie any day.
Greg Davies Live - I don't really know how to review stand up. It's funny, you might like it.
Allosaurus: Walking with Dinosaurs - My friend and I flipped past this and he said to me, " my childhood self would be so mad if we didn't watch a show about dinosaurs," so we watched it. It's a show about dinosaurs.
VHS 2 - A collection of short horror films by various directors. Good stuff.
Star Trek: The Next generation - So Star Trek can be interesting, but it moves so slow. The episodes would have easily been cut in half. Still haven't made it past season 1.
VHS - See VHS 2.
Tim & Eric's Billion Dollar Movie - So, I don't really remember this movie, and if your gonna wanna watch it, maybe do something so you don't remember the movie? I do remember laughing. AND I know it's better than their other steaming pile, "The Comedy."
Bellflower - I kind of hated everyone in this movie, but still strangely enjoyed it. Some hipster kids make a flamethrower for an their Mad Max fantasies while a bunch of drama goes on. I suppose it's really about detachment from reality. It's interesting enough.
Poultrygeist - My friend made me turn it off, but I wanted to keep watching. Super campy horror-comedy with musical numbers and the lot. And killer chicken zombie things.
The Boondocks - Top notch animated satire about two black kids living wit their grandpa in like Beverly Hills or something. Hysterically funny and quality social cometary. Good stuff.
Chillerama - Crap. A bunch of campy horror-comedy shorts, but their just not funny. Starts on a high note with a giant killer sperm and goes downhill from there. Do you care about Twilight spoofs? yeah, me neither.
Resident Evil: Apocalypse - Put this on thinking it was the newest one, but watched it anyway. Action-horror. Good if you want mindless action-horror.
The Cabin in the Woods - I'm not saying anything about this movie. If you haven't seen it, don't look it up at all, just press play.
Dave Foley: Relatively Well - Stand up. If you liked Kids in the Hall, you'll probably remember Foley. Was kinda funny.
I Sell the Dead - It's about grave robbers. I can't really remember much, so I guess that says something in itself.
Freaky Eaters - I was bored so I watched to first 10 minutes of several episodes. It's stupid, but you can say, "is that woman really putting tartar sauce between two cupcakes?"
Fargo - Tough to beat the Coen brothers, and this is one of their best films. A car sales man hires a couple goons to kidnap his wife so he can essentially steal money from his father-in-law (by taking a majority of the ransom for himself) to buy a parking lot. Great characters, great cinematography, great pace and mood. One of the best films ever made.
Raising Hope - Was surprised with how much I like this show. Jimmy knocks up a serial killer and ends up with the baby after her mother is executed. But it's his parents who are really the stars of the show. It's funny and doesn't try to be unnecessarily heartwarming like many shows in the genre.
Where the Buffalo Roam - I suppose it makes sense to compare it to Fear and Loathing. I'll take Where the Buffalo Roam everyday. Why? The plot is slightly more logical without relying on "OMG Drugs!!!" and motherfucking Bill Murray.
Blackfish - Yeah, fuck Sea World. I see the film less as an animal rights flick, and more of a worker safety flick, but regardless, fuck Sea World.
The Inbetweeners Movie - Pretty bad...The show was ok, this felt like some 90's "the characters from this show go on vacation barely a movie" kind of deals. The worse part is they meet 4 girls, immediately split into couples, and that's that - soul mates.
The Inbetweeners - Eh...Not really my cup of tea. I wish Greg Davies had a bigger part. I find the four main characters to be pretty annoying, and there are no moments that really stand out in my memory.
Trailer Park Boys - Great show. Pretty much every season begins with our heroes getting out of prison than explores how they are gonna get themselves back in prison. Has some of the funniest lines in recent TV history.
Lilyhammer - Watched an episode and stopped. Seemed pretty dull to me.
Mythbusters - Two dudes do science! And two other dudes and a pretty good looking chick usually blow stuff up! Woo!
Zombie Ass: Toilet of the Dead - Um...if you want to be barely entertained OR if you're entertained by prosthetic assholes, this is the movie for you!
American Horror Story - It's not worth watching this show. The first season has a couple cool/surprising moments, but the ending is garbage. The second season was worse, I never even finished it.
Disney's Robin Hood - Probably my favorite Disney movie. Definitely has the best music of any Disney flick.
Edit: Made movie titles bold.
Edit2: I missed a movie!! A good one too!
History of Future Folk - Indy flick about an alien seeking a new planet for his race to inhabit. He lands on Earth armed with a poison gas canister, but before he can release the poison he hears music for the first time. Friggin great movie with some hilarious music and scenes, even if the ending is a little stereotypical and bland.
submitted by sloge to NetflixBestOf [link] [comments]

Have we ever seen Linda serious before? If not, is there enough to dwell on and make a full episode centered around it? For Burger's Sake! I have my own episode idea. Think it'll take?

You want to know something interesting? It seems like almost all storyboards for episodes have been done to death on this show, including one two part episode; so I realized that the only thing we the audience haven't seen is Linda serious. We have seen Bob go off the deep end before and end up in trouble---so it's not like there's been no reference to Bob's wacky side before....so it looks like to me, anyway, there's a storyline that hasn't been used and needs to be shown. That's Linda and Bob meeting a couple who are polar opposites, The husband sings and shouts, and laughs about everything no matter how dire the circumstances are: [Just like Linda] and the wife is a levelheaded workaholic who worries about the future---[Little twist, she's pregnant] but pregnant or not, she is a female Bob. The other night, I came up with my own Bob's Burgers episode. It's an episode that answers all questions and it will be revealed what happens when someone orders a different burger of the day than the one Bob advertises.
The episode is Titled: For Burger's Sake! Who appears in this episode: Linda, Bob, Tina, Gene, Louise, Mort, Gretchen, Ginger and Mike. ---You all remember Mike the mailman! Today we get to see what he does on his day off!
Who is introduced: Molly voiced by Tina Louise, and Ryan voiced by Albert Brooks.
First: Leave Teddy at home. Teddy cannot appear in this episode, no Teddy whatsoever, no Teddy cameos, no Teddy mentions, and no Teddy appearance......He is out. This episode will give Ginger some lines---At last, give Gretchen more than just a seven second cameo and give Mort some serious screen time the mortician we came to know and love---give him something back and give Mike something to do.
Meanwhile, let's get to the episode. It starts off at Bob's restaurant, Linda and Ginger are trading words to create their own poem and things are definitely starting to escalate. Mort and Mike are deep in a conversation and Mort mentions that he has friends who he recently got back in touch with and are going to stop by after they do a little shopping. He keeps mentioning that the couple reminds him of another romantic couple and Linda is just pressing him hard for information, Bob groans and could care less. Then, Gretchen enters and wants a "Better saffron than sorry" burger even though the burger of the day is "Give your mom a cardamom fennel me" Burger day---yeah served/topped with cardamom and fennel. "Sweetish Savory" While Tina Louise and Gene play a board game with Louise winning and taking over everything. She runs around the restaurant dancing and shouting. Everybody starts talking at once. Bob begins to panic because he has nothing to create the "Saffron than Sorry" burger for Gretchen and Linda just makes jokes at his expense. Mort's two friends Molly and Ryan enter. Introductions all around. The kids decide to follow Mike and learn what he does with his spare time. We have a pregnant woman who has a husband who can't be serious. She starts to give Bob pointers about stuff starting with burgers and ending with life---but Ryan can't help but interrupt with his ruckus laughter and singing and he undermines his wife. Linda seems to take a liking to him. Meanwhile, Louise is fascinated by Molly's stomach and can't help but spread her bad influence on the baby. "Uh the baby can hear me right?" She asks quite a few times actually, and mentions gambling, and hunting and typical Louise stuff. Things are getting too much for Bob, and he asks if Linda, Ginger and Gretchen can take Ryan out on the town and get him out of their so he and Molly can work. Mort stays with Molly and Louise. Tina and Gene go out with Mike as he leaves and goes on with his day when he isn't out delivering mail. After a few hours of his antics Linda grows weary, but Ginger and Gretchen don't seem to notice. Soon things escalate and now Linda is in a situation where she has to be the serious one for the whole group she's with. By the same token, Bob begins telling jokes, laughing and singing and overall acting like Linda back at the restaurant with Louise explaining the game of cops and robbers to the unborn baby. At the last stop, Tina and Gene enjoy Wonder Wharf the amusement park with Mike before meeting back at the restaurant. Linda pushes Ryan through the door following Ginger and Gretchen, she then stretches onto a random booth and falls asleep. Molly tells Bob all about life and cooking, and Bob becomes vivacious, finally satisfied to meet a woman as levelheaded as he is, and in the same moral situation---lot in life. Molly is hoping her unborn baby does not turn out like Louise, even though she knows the baby will. It's inevitable. The episode ends with Mort saying out loud, he knows just who Molly and Ryan remind him of: Bob and Linda! So what do you all think? You guys all would watch it right?
submitted by sweetjiji to BobsBurgers [link] [comments]

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The Belchers of Bob's Burgers are not an ordinary family. Each member has their quirks, and sometimes they take things to the extreme.For instance, in Season 3, Episode 1, "Ear-sy Rider," Louise has a motorcycle gang threaten a teenager because he stole her hat.Along with this, the family has broken the law on more than a few occasions. Instead, the episode reveals she’s an agoraphobe and that she just figured Bob’s restaurant is quiet enough for her to face her fears safely, a point Bob doesn’t argue. Given the episode is already juggling a beautifully convoluted plot elsewhere—and we’ll get there shortly—it’s a good choice to let Linda and Teddy get at least some of the ridiculousness out of their systems ... "Bad Tina" on 'Bob's Burgers'. FOX. The episode kicks off with the quintessential Tina fantasy: grabbing butts with Jimmy Jr. and a zombie boy. Later, Tina gives the new girl, Tammy, a tour of the school, which includes her boys' locker room peephole. Bob's Burgers Season show reviews & Metacritic score: When an emergency calls the adult Belchers away to the hospital, the juvenile Belchers decide to take this opportunity to make some money by turning their basem... “Bob’s Burgers” boasts a robust slate of supporting characters, some of whom show up in almost every episode (i.e. Teddy, Mort, Mr. Frond) while others (i.e. Linda’s sister Gayle, Jimmy ... Bob's Burgers - Season 9 Episode 1 - Just One of the Boyz 4 Now for Now. Dutch TV. 12:23. Top 10 Funniest Avatar: The Last Airbender Moments. MsMojo. 22:04. Bob's Burgers S 10 E 11 Drumforgiven. Bona. 1:00:00. Married At First Sight - S11E01 - The Story ... Louis Theroux Gambling In Las Vegas. Louis Theroux. 1:55. When Calls the ... "Bob Fires the Kids" is the third episode in Season 3, being the twenty-fifth episode overall. 1 Plot 2 Cast 3 Videos 4 External links One day in the middle of summer, Bob receives a package from the ladies who own the restaurant that his dad used to own, Big Bob's Diner. In the box, Bob finds his old "toys" that he had played with in the restaurant when he didn't feel like working. While the ... Bob's Burgers Powered by Reelgood The Belchers: Bob, Linda, Tina, Gene, and Louise live above their burger joint, Bob’s Burgers, on the boardwalk of an undisclosed shore town. If you were to frame your expectations for tonight's Bob's Burgers based on the episode's name, "The Kids Run the Restaurant," you might have actually expected to see what would happen to Bob's ...

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About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators ... Bob's Burgers Season 9 - Just One of the Boyz 4 Now for NowThanks for watching and hope you guys enjoyed it!View more another shows right below:🔷 American D... Bob's Burgers - Land of the Loft 1080p Share your videos with friends, family, and the world Bob’s Burgers Season 10 Ep 10 - Full Episode No Cuts. Bob’s Burgers Season 10 Ep 10 - Full Episode No Cuts. Bob’s Burgers Season 11 Ep 10 - Full Episode No Cuts. Bob’s Burgers Season 11 Ep 10 - Full Episode No Cuts. S10 Ep.6 - Bob's Burgers Full Episodes Nocuts This is a countdown of my favourite Bob's Burgers episodes.If you know your favourite episodes be sure to put it in the comments.Bob's Burgers was created by... Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/PhilPaytonTwitter: https://twitter.com/PhilMPayton-----It's another 5 episode list video thingy....this time it's Bob's... Teddy nervously washes his golf balls at Bob's Burgers and asks Bob not to mention it to anyone.Subscribe now for more Bob's Burgers clips: http://fox.tv/Sub...

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