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Guide To Hit 40 By December 31st

I'm seeing a lot of people asking "can I make it to 40 in time?" around here. Just a few weeks ago, I was also one of those people. I was only lv 35 (~6.6 mil total xp) as of November 20, and was seriously doubting that I could reach lv 40 by the end of the year. I decided to try anyway, and as I did, I learned a lot of things that could be useful to others who are also on the grind. As of December 3, I'm currently 1/2 way through lv 38 (13,651,379xp), so I'm on pace to hit my goal even though many people told me it was impossible.

Edit: I reached level 40 way ahead or schedule on December 13, gaining a total of 13.5 million xp between Nov 18 and then, averaging roughly 520,000xp per day. My worst daily xp gain was 193,117 (played for about an hour then went home because it started raining) and my best was 1,081,135 (community day, multiple raids, 2 mass evolutions).

Just to start with, please above all else stay safe. There's a global pandemic going on and as much as we all love this game, it isn't worth risking the health of yourself or others if you are unable to play safely. Please follow your local health guidelines and wear a mask. Also, for those of us who live in colder areas, be sure to stay warm. :)

Now on to the tips I have to share (in no particular order):
1) Quantify Your Goal
Do the math. Hitting level 40 requires a total of 20 million xp. Take a look at how much you still need, how many days you have, and figure out how much you need to average per day to accomplish that goal. Once you have that daily quota, decide if you think that is feasible for you. If so, you can use it to motivate yourself. Try to not give up for the day until you hit at least that amount, and if you feel up to it, surpass that goal as often as possible to make things easier for your future self. That said, don't be discouraged if you fall short of your quota sometimes. Daily xp totals can fluctuate, and good days can make up for the bad ones. I've had days during this grind where I've earned less than 200,000xp, and a day where I earned over 1 million xp. It's all about the average.
2a) Mass Evolving
With the recent xp rebalance, evolving a pokemon is now worth 1,000xp. That means it can be quite lucrative to stockpile pokemon and then evolve them all at once with a lucky egg active. Pidgey, Weedle, Whismur, and other pokemon that cost 12 candy to evolve are ideal, but every evolution is worth the same amount of xp. With a lucky egg going, you'll get 2,000xp every time you evolve something. You'd be surprised how much xp you can earn in half an hour this way. I typically try to keep my bag clear of any pokemon I don't intend to keep or have enough candy to evolve. Then, when I'm out of space and feel like I've got a lot (50+) ready to evolve, I mass evolve them with a lucky egg, transfer the evolutions, and start catching again. If you use the mass evolution method, it's VERY important that you make sure to save enough pokemon for...
2b) December 29th Spotlight Hour
During this event (6pm to 7pm local time), you'll earn double xp for evolutions, which stacks with lucky eggs. That's 4,000xp per evolution for a whole hour. Stock up on pokemon to evolve beforehand so that you can squeeze every drop of value out of this hour as possible. Don't bother with evolutions that lead to new dex entries during the spotlight hour, since the new entry xp won't be quadrupled. Time spent on the animation of a pokemon being added to your dex is better spent evolving something else. With 2 evolutions per minute, you'll earn 480,000xp over the course of the hour. If you can manage 3/min, then you'll get a whopping 720,000xp.
3) Friends
As of a few days ago, it's too late to get to ultra or best friend with anybody who isn't already on your friends list with some degree of progress already made. It is not, however, too late to earn a massive amount of xp from friends. There are various sites, discord groups, and subreddits with people looking to exchange friend codes, utilize those to expand your friends list. Getting a friend to good friend status only takes one interaction and is worth 3,000xp (6,000xp with a lucky egg), and getting to great friend takes 7 days and is worth an additional 10,000 (20,000 with an egg). You're going to be limited to sending 100 gifts per day, but that's a LOT of potential for xp. Also keep in mind that just sending a gift is worth 200xp by itself. If you add 100 new friends, and send them all gifts every day for 7 days (assuming they open those gifts), you'll earn 1,440,000xp without even using a lucky egg. After getting them all to great friend, it's your choice if you want to keep them around, or delete them and add a new batch of 100 and try to get them to great friend as well.
4) Raids
Your daily free raid pass is valuable, don't waste it. The best use for it is hosting a legendary raid for remote players. Just like exchanging friend codes, there are sites, discord groups, and subreddits where people go to join/host remote raids. Hosting a raid means you'll be locating a gym with the raid you want to host, friending 5 other people, joining the raid, and then inviting them to join you via remote raid passes. A legendary raid awards you with 10,000xp for completing it. Even better, doing a raid with friends increases your friendship level, so those 5 random people you invited will all immediately reach good friend status, giving you 3,000xp each. That, plus the 10k you got from the raid itself, adds up to a potential 25,000xp per raid (not to mention giving you an encounter with the raid boss). Now just because you get one raid pass each day, that doesn't mean you necessarily have to do a raid every day. You can leave your pass in your bag, then the next day you can use the pass you have, get your new pass for the day, and then immediately use that pass as well. This strategy is particularly effective if you find a place with multiple gyms with legendary raids active, since you might be able to activate a lucky egg and then host 2 back-to-back raids before it expires. If you pull that off, that's 100,000xp and 2 legendary encounters. The easiest way to make that happen is to play during the weekly raid hour, which takes place from 6pm to 7pm local time on Wednesdays.
Also consider that with raids, the majority of the xp you'll earn from hosting comes from the friendship bonuses of the 5 people you invite, not from the raid itself. While hosting a lower tier raid will earn you less xp, you'll still get the full 15k from friends no matter what tier raid you do. Even a lowly tier 1 raid will give you 3,500xp base, + 15k from friends for a total of 18,500xp. Less than the 25,000 you'd get from a legendary/mega raid, but that's still good xp. Don't let perfection be the enemy of progress. If your choices are a low-tier raid or no raid at all, take the xp you can get.
5) Throws
Curveballs have a steep learning curve, especially if you've gotten used to always using regular throws, but if you can get to the point where you reliably throw them, then you earn an extra 40xp per catch. That doesn't sound like much, but over the course of thousands of catches, it adds up. That said, don't waste time with curveballs if they're causing you to miss throws you otherwise could've hit and you don't feel like you could get the hang of them relatively quickly.
The other type of throw that you should be thinking about is an excellent. Excellent throws recently got increased to 10x what they previously were worth. Each one gets you 1,000xp now, doubled to 2,000xp thanks to the event. That's MASSIVE amounts of xp to be earned from a single catch. Now, not every pokemon is equal when it comes to landing an excellent. Some are pretty easy, while others are nearly impossible (like Zubat. If you claim you can consistently land excellent throws on Zubat, you're a liar!). Learn which ones you have an easier time landing an excellent on, and which ones you should just stick to great throws with. Keep in mind, it's always a gamble to go for an excellent, since you're risking the 200xp you could've got for a great throw in exchange for the chance to instead get 2,000xp. If you can get to the point where that gamble pays off more than 10% of the time, then it's worth it, otherwise just go for the great throw.
6) Daily Coins
You need to try your absolute best to get your 50 coins every single day. Find gyms and get yourself in there. You get 1 coin for every 10 minutes spent defending a gym, so you need a total of just over 8 hours of defense per day to get the 50 coin max. That time doesn't need to be consecutive, nor does it need to be earned by a single pokemon. The best strategy I've found is to grab a spot in a gym in the evening/night when people are less likely to be playing. A great way to earn the full 50 is to get 2 defenders into gyms at 8pm, then if they can hang in there until at least a little after midnight, they'll get you your 50 coins for the day before you even wake up. Another benefit of putting 2 pokemon into gyms overnight is that if one gets knocked out too early, then the other one acts as an insurance policy. It's also best to try to put your pokemon into gyms that aren't nearby each other, since if someone flips one gym and another one is right next to it, that person is likely to attack that gym as well. Every 500 coins you get is 8 more lucky eggs. Be careful of gyms that might be too remote though, as you only earn the coins after the pokemon is knocked out. If you've got a defender sitting in a gym for a week, you'll still only get 50 coins when it gets knocked out, and those 50 will count towards the daily limit for the day it was defeated, not the day it was put into the gym.
7) Lucky Eggs
The value of a lucky egg is directly tied to what you do while it's active. Don't waste an egg if you aren't going to be earning a lot of xp in the next 30 minutes. But also don't confuse "earning a lot of xp" with "doing a lot of things". For example, let's say you activate a lucky egg, and over the next 30 minutes, you catch 50 pokemon, all with great throws and all on the first try. Each of your 50 catches was worth 500xp, so in total, the 50 of them are worth 25,000xp. Using a lucky egg there would double that to 50,000, meaning the egg provided you with an additional 25,000xp. By comparison, if you activated a lucky egg just before reaching best friend status with one of your friends, you'd double the 100,000xp that gives you, meaning that even if you immediately closed the game and wasted the remaining 29 minutes and change left on your egg, that egg would still be worth 4x as much as the previous example. Not every egg can be that valuable, but just think carefully about the raw amount of xp you'll be earning when you decide when and where to use your eggs. Decide how many eggs you have/can afford, and what's the minimum value you're comfortable getting out of them.
Generally speaking, I'd say the most valuable times to use a lucky egg (in descending order) are:
High-TieMass Friendship Increases > Evolution Sprees > Raids > Captures*
* If you feel confident with your excellent throws, captures are actually one of the best uses of a lucky egg. Each excellent throw is worth over 4,000xp with a lucky egg active, meaning 25 of them will earn you over 100,000xp.
Another useful strategy for getting the most out of your lucky eggs is to not log into the game after midnight (the daily reset) until you're ready to grind for that day. This avoids wasting the xp you'd get from using a lucky egg for your first catch/spin bonuses, as well as xp earned from friendship increases you get due to other people opening your gifts. When you're ready to play, open the game then immediately go to your friends list and open any gifts that will lead to friendship level ups. Then, close your friends list and immediately open your bag. Activate your lucky egg, and optionally, an incense as well. Then once you've done that, you can get your first catch/spin bonuses, and start grinding as your friendship xp comes trickling in, all with your lucky egg doubling them. This strategy can lead to you starting the day off with an influx of tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of xp, all in a matter of a few minutes.
8) Devices
If you have a go plus, pokeball plus, gotcha, etc... make sure to use it effectively. That means if you're evolving, raiding, sending/receiving gifts, etc... you should have it catching and spinning stops in the background. If you're manually catching, have it spin stops for you in the meantime. This is especially true for when you have a lucky egg active, since by completing two xp-earning tasks at once, you're getting even more value out of the egg.
9) Feeding Gym Defenders
Another source of xp that's often overlooked is the xp you get when feeding a berry to a pokemon defending an allied gym. The xp rebalance made it so that every single berry you feed to a gym defender gives you 50xp. You can feed each pokemon up to 10 berries before it becomes full. If a gym is maxed out with 6 defenders and you've got enough berries to feed all of them, that's 3,000xp. A drop in the bucket compared to other methods, but if you're like me and often find yourself needing to make space in your bag, berries are often the first thing you get rid of to make room. Better to turn each berry into 50xp than to just throw it away. Tossing 100 berries is flushing 5,000xp down the drain. Also keep in mind that if you've got a pokemon defending a gym, you can use it to inspect the gym remotely, which allows you to feed the defenders regardless of how far away you happen to be. That means you can use your berries to feed defenders while you're at home, so you can use all the time you spend out and about focusing on the more rewarding sources of xp.
10) Making the Most of Purchases
If you choose to spend money on the game, you should at least make your dollar go as far as it can. Be honest with yourself about how much money you think you're going to end up spending, and then rather than buying a small amount of coins here and there, buy them all at once to maximize the bulk purchase bonus. Be on the lookout for any discounts or promos on Google Play or Apple gift cards that may be out there (they're rare, but they do happen). Also, if you're on Android, make sure to sign up for Google Play Points (not an advertisement). You earn play points every time you make a purchase on the play store, as well as from various offers such as installing featured apps (for those, you can click install and then immediately cancel the download. You were given the points the moment you clicked install.) Those points can be redeemed for $3 coupons for pokemon go. You can buy as many coupons as you like, but you can only have 1 at a time. Every coupon you get allows you to grab the 550 pokecoin package (which normally costs $5) for $2.
11) Streaks
You get a first catch of the day bonus, as well as a first pokestop spin of the day bonus. The first catch of the day bonus is 1,500xp, and the first pokestop of the day bonus is 500xp. When you earn each of these, you'll see a little progress bar with 7 circles pop up, and one of them will fill in. Each additional day in a row that you get your first catch/spin bonus, you'll get another circle until the bar is full (it's a separate bar for spins and catches, each is tracked independently). When you complete the full bar, you'll earn a streak bonus, which for catches is 6,000xp, and for spins is 2,500xp. With this in mind, make sure that if you're going to use a lucky egg on any given day, that you try to get your first catch and spin bonuses while the egg is active, especially if you're going to be getting the 7 day streak bonus. Beginning your day with your first catch giving you up to an extra 12,000xp and your first spin giving you up to 5,000xp is a great way to start off a session.
12) Incense, Lures, & The Mystery Box
If you're in an area with few (or no) spawns, incense is your best friend. Thanks to the play-at-home bonuses, incense currently lasts for one hour (3 hours during community day, and December will have 2 community days!). During that period, pokemon will spawn around you at a relatively steady pace for the entire duration. This is in addition to any normal spawns that happen in your area. You can use incense to increase spawns if you find yourself catching all the pokemon in an area faster than they can spawn, or even to spawn pokemon in places where there otherwise wouldn't be any (such as at home, unless you're one of the lucky ones with spawns at your house). Incense follows you as you move, so you can safely use it even if you're on the go, but it's also helpful if you're playing while stationary, since catching at even a casual rate will outpace natural spawns.
Lures are similar to incense, but worse in almost every way. Unlike incense, a lure can't be activated just anywhere. It has to be applied to a pokestop, and once activated, it remains attached to that pokestop for its entire duration. If you leave the area, you leave your lure behind. Lures also aren't being modified by the stay-at-home bonuses, so their duration is only 30 minutes. Now, all of this sounds terrible, but I said that lures are worse in almost every way. They do have two major advantages over incense. The first is that if you're in a spot where you can reach multiple pokestops, you can put a lure on each of them and greatly increase the rate of pokemon spawns in the area where they overlap. The second advantage of lures is the fact that lures applied to a pokestop benefit every trainer that visits that pokestop. If you place a lure on a pokestop, anybody else in the vicinity of that pokestop will see it, and will benefit from the extra spawns. Likewise, if another player places a lure, you can catch the pokemon it spawns. This means that groups of players working together to take turns placing a lure can exponentially increase the value that they all get out of their lures. Unfortunately, this benefit still doesn't make lures as economically viable as incense. An 8-pack of lures costs just shy of 3x as much as an 8-pack of incense. That, combined with the fact that a lure lasts only half as long as incense, means that to get more benefit per coin out of buying lures vs incense, you'd need to get in the same place as at least 5 other trainers and take turns placing lures, and... *cough, cough* pandemic... remember? That said, if you've got any lures laying around, there's no reason not to use them. And if you do use one, try to be a cool dude and place it somewhere where someone else might also get some use out of it.
Also, for anybody who doesn't know, the special lures (mossy, magnetic, and glacial) function exactly the same as a regular lure, but with 2 notable differences. The first difference is that they are used for some special evolutions, such as evolving an eevee into a glaceon with a glacial lure. The second is that the pokemon they spawn are loosely themed around the type of lure you used. Mossy lures will spawn a lot of grass, bug, and poison types, for example.
The mystery box is a special item you get the first time you transfer a pokemon out of pokemon go, and into either Let's Go Eevee, Let's Go Pikachu, or Pokemon Home. It doesn't matter which one you use, and you can transfer to as many of those games as you like. When opened, the mystery box functions exactly like incense, with one major difference; the pokemon spawned by the mystery box will all be Meltan. There are 2 major benefits to this. The first, and more fundamental one, is that this is the only way you can get Meltan, and its evolution, Melmetal, is a very powerful pokemon. The second benefit, the much more important one for when you're grinding, is that if all the pokemon spawned for the duration are the same, then all your throws can be the same. You don't have to worry about remembering how far or hard to throw for this pokemon versus that one, and can instead focus on getting into a rhythm and landing consistent (hopefully excellent) throws. Once you find the sweet spot for an excellent, you can just keep repeating that same throw over and over again for the whole hour. Unlike incense, when the mystery box ends, it is not removed from your inventory. Instead, selecting it will show you a countdown timer (3 days, starting when you open it). Once that timer reaches 0, you can transfer another pokemon (to let's go or home), and then open the box again. Also if you were wondering, no you can't stack the mystery box with incense at the same time. If you activate one, you'll have to wait for it to finish before you can use the other.
PSA for anyone opening a Mystery Box: Meltan is weather boosted by snow, so if you're going to open the mystery box, and you see snow in your local weather forecast, consider trying to time it with that.
If anybody else has any useful tips or tricks to share, feel free. I'm constantly updating this post and adding info to it. I hope this helps anybody looking to get that legacy title and provides encouragement to those who are doubting if it's possible.
submitted by Bniz23 to pokemongo [link] [comments]

Up to £219.11 profit in cashback through gambling offers with TopCashback, Quidco and OhMyDosh

Up to £219.11 profit in cashback through gambling offers with TopCashback, Quidco and OhMyDosh
TopCashback, Quidco and OhMyDosh always have a number of gambling offers available, with the offered amounts often changing daily or weekly. There are currently quite a few offers available on each where the cashback amount is more than the required deposit or wager amount. I've done most of these and always keep an eye out for when the amounts increase, to make sure I can get the most for my money. The offers they have on at the moment are some of the best I've ever seen for them.
The first step is to sign up for the cashback sites if you haven't already. If you use a referral link to sign up then you can get an extra bonus once your cashback becomes payable:
Then the next step is to work through the offers. These are all only available for new customers, so if you already have an account with one of the sites then you won't be eligible for the offer from them unfortunately. It's also worth checking the terms as some have specific wagering requirements, for example Betfair Casino must be completed within 3 days of opening your account and low risk roulette bets (covering 25 or more of the 37 outcomes) are excluded from counting towards the wager.
# Site From Cashback Deposit/Wager Profit
1 Coral Casino TCB £42 £10 £32
2 Ladbrokes Casino TCB / Quidco £42 £10 £32
3 Betfair Casino Quidco £40 £10 £30
4 William Hill Casino TCB / Quidco £54 £25 £29
5 Pokerstars TCB / Quidco £32 £20 £12
6 Paddy Power Games TCB / Quidco £20 £10 £10
7 Lottomart TCB £18 £10 £8
8 Foxy Bingo OMD £12.50 £5 £7.50
9 Gala Bingo OMD £12.50 £5 £7.50
9 Buzz Bingo OMD £17.50 £10 £7.50
10 Lottoland TCB £22 £15.01 £6.99
11 Tombola TCB / Quidco £15 £10 £5
12 Cheeky Bingo OMD £15 £10 £5
13 BingoPort TCB £4 - £4
14 LottoGo OMD £4.50 £2 £2.50
15 Free Slots Genie OMD £1.25 - £1.25
16 Profit Accumulator TCB £1.05 - £1.05
17 The Best Free Spins OMD £1 - £1
18 Free Spins Wizard OMD £1 - £1
19 Pick My Postcode TCB £0.90 - £0.90
20 Search Lotto TCB £0.82 - £0.82
21 Free Spins Loopy OMD £0.80 - £0.80
22 Super Free Slots OMD £0.70 - £0.70
23 FreeBingoGenie OMD £0.60 - £0.60
24 bgo OMD £10 £10 -
24 Slingo OMD £20 £20 -
If you complete all these offers then you should make £207.11 cashback in profit through the offers alone. If you are new to the cashback sites and sign up through referral links then this will be £219.11 instead. There's also a chance you can make a profit on any or all the offers and walk away with even more.
There's also a final few key points:
  • Make sure you have all adblockers and tracking protection switched off as otherwise this may lead to issues with the cashback tracking correctly.
  • I've listed the highest paying in terms of deposit/wager to cashback offers here, but if you have a preference for one cashback site over the other then they often offer very similar amounts if you'd rather go with the other instead.
  • Similarly, some sites (OhMyDosh in particular) offer a lower cashback amount but also a lower deposit/wager amount, which may be more appealing to some.
  • Some of the offers may require a premium subscription to receive the mentioned amount. I wrote a guide to maximising cashback that explains these.
  • I don't like to say the cashback is guaranteed as all the cashback sites say it never is, but I've never had an issue with any of these sites, whether through gambling or other offers.
  • Please be aware that these all these offers all are gambling, so I'd highly recommend depositing and wagering only the mimimum amount required to get the cashback, then withdrawing any profit you may have made.
  • Please Be Gamble Aware when using these sites.
Let me know if you have any questions about any of these offers :)
submitted by pKYmlCo70Iyn9D0q38L1 to beermoneyuk [link] [comments]

The REAL Greatest Short Burn of the Century

Disclaimer from Quora: A true short squeeze is a fairly rare event. There are probably 100 predicted for every 1 that occurs.*
There needs to be an unexpected positive event. This could be a huge earnings surprise, a takeover offer, new patent, drug approval, etc.
Unscrupulous stock promoters (PUMPERS) often dangle a potential short squeeze as a carrot to entice inexperienced investors to buy a bad stock. For instance, you will find predictions of a “massive short squeeze” on virtually every message board for every penny biotech stock. If you point out that there is insufficient short interest for a squeeze, the promoters just add lies about “naked short selling”.*
There, nobody sue me for the pennies I have. The following is all for entertainment purposes only:
The intro:
Sup gamblers. Feel bad about missing the gain train on TSLA? Fear not - something much greater and stupider is here.
You know Citadel? The MM that took all our money today? Well now we finally won’t be at the mercy of the MMs. Instead, we’re going to temporarily join forces with the Galactic Empire and hijack the death star.
Our choice of weapon... $GME.
The setup:
Huh?? Isn’t GME an absolute piece of trash stock? NO (will explain below), and even if it is, it's not entirely relevant. The this turn around is going to make TSLA's short burn look like warm afternoon tea.
Why? Well, most short squeezes are mostly math. This one is special because we have math AND great underlying news.
To be clear, this will happen whether or not we participate. I prefer us idiots to be a part of history. Here’s what’s up:
Short interest:
GME currently has between 85% - 99.8% short interest, depending on what site you use. For context, 20% is already considered high as the moon. TSLA and NFLX were around 30-40% at their peak. But GME’S ACTUAL SHORT INTEREST IS OVER 110%. In case you think I’ve gone nuts, look below:

Shares Outstanding (June 2) = 64.8M
Total = Public Float = SO - IS = 55.8 M
Total = Adjusted Public Float - Ryan Cohen = 49.6M

Shares Shorted (9/2) = 55.7M

% Shorted (Total Shares) = 86%
% Shorted (Float) = 99.8%
% Shorted (Adj. Float) = 112.3%

This is unheard of. Also, the short interest ratio/days to cover is 16 DAYS right now. Shorts are beyond trapped in their position. And the insiders? They won’t sell. In fact.. they’ve been BUYING.
Fine, what if the shorts are correct? They’ve been printing for 5 years. Ok fellow gamblers, here’s where the real DD comes in. The reversal:
3 big things will cause this reversal. Ryan Cohen, retail option buying, and Kenny G (Citadel) himself.
Who’s Ryan Cohen?
Ryan Cohen sold Chewy in 2017 for $3.3 billion. He poured most of his money into Apple and Wells Fargo, saying he hates diversification and only goes all in into things he has high conviction in. Cohen is a Buffet-like investor. He is the largest individual owner of AAPL, and has sat on his hands doing nothing for 3 years.
Until last week… he went long on $GME.
Who cares right? He’s just another gambler like us willing to lose money. Not in this case… RC is special due to his expertise in e-commerce. He understands how a smaller company can compete against Amazon and Walmart despite heavy competition. THAT, combined with his hatred against diworsification makes his interest in GME a bit special.
RC can spin this into an e-commerce/tech company, which would make Wall Street drool from their mouths. He’s already caught the attention of a few people, hence the recent 75% run up since the RC announcement.
RC only needs to disclose his investments every 10 days. If he’s been buying since 8/31, we won’t know until this week.
Add to that, the original contrarian Michael Burry found that 90% of stores were free cash flow positive before COVID. GME’s balance sheet is healthy with $100M in net cash (around $500M cash and $400M debt), so they aren’t going bankrupt anytime soon. They also added 2 more activist investors, Kurtis Wolf and Paul Evans, who were nominated by Hestia Capital Partners and Permit Capital Enterprise Fund, to turn the ship around.
All this meaning, prominent figures have sKiN iN tHe gAmE, and if needed (unlikely) they have more cash to see it through.
Second and third, degenerate gambling retail robinhooders + CITADEL. Told you we’re going to work with him this time.
Thanks to MMs literally not using their brain and relying on ze maths to configure their entire business, we can take advantage of them sleeping at the wheel for a few seconds, and cause them to ram into GME for us.
It looks like this: RH Call Option buying -> MM Delta hedging/share purchase -> short squeezing -> Greater retail/RHers price action chasing/call option buying -> MM Delta hedging/share purchase -> short squeezing -> Institutional and new channels flip the script -> GME to $400+ -> cash out.
By the way. This is NOT a pump and dump. This is a kick in the shorts’ teeth. The stock will STAY HIGH.
For reference: if $GME was trading at the same P/S multiple as $CHWY, the share price would be $420.
On being delta neutral - quick refresher from a WSB classic:
“Part of the reason we see outsized moves is when a stock starts moving the dealers who are short the calls need to buy more stock to hedge. This can easily double the amount of buying pressure out there and lead to very exaggerated moves.
As the stock goes up, so does the delta of the stocks calls and dealers who were originally perfectly delta hedged before the move effectively become short the stock as it moves higher so they need to buy more stock to “hedge up” or flatten their exposure/risk."
Remember, since GME is literally 99.8% of float short (ignoring RC’s shares for now) they currently HAVE LESS THAN 50,000 SHARES IN LIQUIDITY.
As of writing this, delta on average is around 0.200, give or take. Higher for near dated (0.395) lower for long dated (0.195). Let’s be conservative and call it 0.2 for the time being. So now, for every call option I buy, MMs need to delta hedge with 20 shares.
Here’s where it gets insane:
If $100,000 in calls are bought from RH, Citadel is forced to buy the remaining 50,000 shares. I’m using 10/16 $15C for this example. This is an insanely small amount of money, especially with Ryan Cohen, retail idiots, and the rest of the SeekingAlpha vultures waiting for this play. It’s a ticking time bomb waiting to happen.
Let’s say Burry wakes up and decides to drop $600,000 in call options. This is going to force Kenny to delta hedge 300,000 in GME shares. When there are only under 50,000 shares available in PUBLIC FLOAT. This has NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE IN HISTORY. In an accidental squeeze (KBIO, VW), the shorts can’t buy back and get priced out momentarily. Pump and dump. Not what's happening here.
In a contrarian bet leading to a squeeze, shorts bail their positions and the stock STAYS HIGH (TSLA, PTON). The stock is no longer being artificially suppressed, and the shorts are NOT going short again.
To tell you the truth, I don’t even know how far this is going to blow up, since there is literally no historical precedent for this. I just know things are about to get very very insane.
Now also add in the fact that GME is at a 5 year low, which means shorts can be largely satisfied with their gains, and are comfortable covering their shorts. Which, as a reminder, they have to BUY back.
-Cut to Ryan Gosling toppling the Jenga pieces-
The timing:
Alright, if you’ve read up to now, I can assume you’re in. IV is off the charts right now. That’s what happens when a stonk goes up 75% in a week. Sorry, but the Ryan Cohen news is actually big news.
There’s no idea how the call will go. So place your bets if you think it will go well. If $GME absolutely misses the mark, this DD is worthless. BTW GME flopped the last 2 earnings - that's why there have been no big gains. Proceed at your own risk.
Few things I’m betting on:
First, GME beats earnings. All gaming companies, Nintendo, Sony, ATVI beat due to COVID lockdowns. Same store sales should be flat or up, with 300 less total stores. $GME is expected to post a loss of 1.27 EPS. That's way too low.
Second, activist investor activity. Cohen is sharp as a knife and will make sure things get aligned correctly. He's more financially oriented than most foundeCEOs. He can probably recite CHWY's balance sheet to you off the top of his head, and he understands the investing environment (bad IPOs, interest rates, SPACs). Meaning, he's not a gung ho YOLO Masayoshi / Grant Cardone coked out founder. He's disciplined. Yea I did some stalking... Well you know I had to.
Third, positive news cycle due to Console Cycle:
If you’re wondering why fund managers aren’t covering and going long, remember that they have a JOB. They can’t make contrarian bets at the risk of looking idiotic. Cohen and Burry can because they own their own money.
They can talk about how $GME is going to be Blockbustered. Only one problem - GME’s Netflix… is GME itself. By the way, VW was also heavily shorted during a recession because everyone thought they would be bankrupt. Jus sayin.
If GME rockets after earnings, the short squeeze has started and we can pile on weekly 10-20% OTM options to force KG to delta hedge by buying shares, ad infinitum: see $TSLA.
If GME tanks, buy cheap options in anticipation of the short burn.
The trade:
In order to capture the biggest upside, the highest strike call option is best. Remember when TSLA was going up so fast they didn't even have existing options to match the parabolic gains? Same will happen here. We only have $30Cs now, so these will have to do.
15 Jan 2021 $30.00 C.
Also, since we don’t know when GME will skyrocket, this gives you time to capture any squeeze that happens.
16 Oct $15.00 C.
This lets you capture more asymmetric upside in case the squeeze happens quickly.
LAST, and timing is crucial here. ONLY WHEN I get the confirmed signal that the squeeze is happening, I will pound weeklies 10-20% above strike price. Again forcing Kenny to hedge with shares, causing shorts to cover and BUY back, increasing the delta of the call, getting retail and institutional attention, buying more calls/shares, delta hedge, shorts cover, ad infinitum.
The weeklies have the highest delta, so Citadel will be forced to hedge the most by buying shares. In other words, we’ll get the biggest bang for our buck in squeezing these.
There is a chance Citadel/MMs switches to buying puts to delta hedge. Like I said, they’re asleep at the wheel for a second, retail will likely ram before they change their algos.
However, once the squeeze takes off, not even Citadel will be able to stop it. In any case, if they do start to buy puts, we can sell the puts as a bonus.
Like dlkdev once said, the only way to beat a rigged game is to rig it even harder.
This is not fraud. There is no manipulation here. We aren’t forcing anyone to do anything. It’s going to happen with or without us. But I want to ride.
Earnings will light the match, but we can add all sorts of gasoline to the fire.
I stole some data/ideas from a couple of different articles on Seeking Alpha/reddit/google/youtube. I’m not claiming credit for this trade, I don’t really care. In fact, I beg you to completely ignore me. I even dare you to short GME. I’ll happily take your money.
TL;DR: $GME is vastly oversold.
GME is TSLA one year ago. GME is AAPL in 2017. Add to that the greatest short burn you’ll see in history, and you’re in for a hell of a show.
Also GME is uncorrelated with the market. It might even be negatively correlated (it was today). It's only worth $500M (3 Bel-Air houses) and fund managers are happy to cut a high risk/low return position. Let your cognitive biases run free.
Ryan Cohen & Michael Burry if you see this - you better buy as much as you can now. When GME gets to fair value of $26B+, you won't be able to take over the company and kick out the backwards exec team. Good luck.
**Edit1: $GME missed and tanked. Not much Cohen can do in 1 week. IV is dead and liquidity is still dry. Get cheap calls while you still can. PLAY IS STILL ON.
submitted by Jeffamazon to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

Does Blazblue Dark War and Dark Mai make anyone else uncomfortable?

Because.... Why? Why would they do this to Mai Natsume? Why would they make one of the game's nicest, wholesome, most pure hearted characters.... a villain? I get that they might wanna put characters in a new light, but they could've picked any other character to make evil. Kokonoe; she's already done morally ambiguous stuff, it'd make sense to make an evil Kokonoe. Or maybe Kagura, maybe they'd take his pervertedness to the extreme? Or Taokaka? That would honestly be pretty funny. Even Es would make more sense; she hardly shows emotions at all. But MAI? That'd be like if you made Celica evil; you just don't do it! I mean, sure, Dark Mai may be drop dead gorgeous and sexy as Mai always is; but........ I don't feel good at all.
Is it because Arc System Works doesn't like Mai? Because compared to the other characters who came from side material, Es and Naoto, they treat those 2 far better than Mai. Es got to be in the base game of Cross Tag Battle, so all the people who bought it on Switch for 5 dollars would play with Es all the time and not care about Mai cause she's always just dlc. Naoto got to be on the boxart of the updated CTB, showing him off to all the newbies cause he's more important than the other dlc characters I guess. Es gets to have figurines and body pillows that are still in print and don't cost an arm and a leg unlike Mai's figurine and body pillow; they don't care about reprinting Mai's stuff. There are some fan artists, for example Jcdr on deviantart, who draw both genderbender art, and Blazblue art; so you'd think they'd be be quick to draw Mai Natsume; they don't. But they draw Es a lot though. Or toraishi 666? He only draws the small breasted girls from Blazblue; but he made 1 exception for Es! Even something simple like searching "blazblue ponies" on google; what's one of the first results? Es, as a pony, all by herself. Most of the other pics are ensembles of characters as ponies. And of course there is no Mai pony to be found. And now in Dark War, Es and Naoto are right on the boxart with fucking Ragna Noel and Jin, and are prominent in the trailer, with no Mai in sight. At least that's what I thought at first, until someone pointed out one frame with her as her new evil self, and she's unrecognizable.
What I'm trying to say is, it seems Arc and everyone else doesn't care about Mai, yet seem to love Es far more. Why? Both of Es's Xblaze visual novels are both like $20 each on steam; while you can read both of Mai's Heart mangas online for free, AND she even has her own story mode in Chronophantasma with full English voice acting (Es didn't have an English voice until CTB); she was mentioned in the main story there as well, well before Es entered the main games. So she's more accessible than Es. And Mai is the only one of the 3 characters from spin offs that is actually from the real Blazblue world, and not some alternate dimension unlike Es and Naoto; with several canon characters meeting Mai and even being her friends. So what is this need for Arc to make Es one of the main characters, and even worse to make Mai a bad guy? Is it because she's trans? Does the fact that she used to be a guy make people hate her? I hate to stereotype, but gamers tend to hate trans people and LGBT people in general (I don't need to remind everyone of the reaction certain sites had to The Last Of Us 2). And Japan tends to have no qualms with making fun of trans people (Mother 3 anyone?). Well that's not fair; being trans shouldn't matter to what kind of person you are. And Mai Natsume is the best trans character I have ever seen. Hell, even the Heroes Wiki has labeled her as "Pure Good", something they are very strict about. They only give that label to people without a single bad bone in their body. That should show how much of a good person Mai is. It breaks my heart that no one else sees her the way I see her. That in Arc's new mobile game Es and Naoto and Jin and Bullet and Kagura and the rest are all heroes for the player to collect and love, while Mai is merely a boss only for the player to kill. That eventually we'll see Mai on the Villain's Wiki, and then they might reject her from pure good, forever showing the world how Mai's reputation has been tainted. That Japanese people with their fancy cell phones and gambling money will say "Wow, I finally rolled Es! That's $50 well spent! Es is best girl uwu! I can't wait to use her to speedrun killing Mai! Who even like Mai anyway?". Thoughts like those make me cry.
Sorry for ranting. It's just...... Mai Natsume is my favorite character. She's the whole reason I played Blazblue in the first place. I'd hate to sound sappy, but she's my waifu. I love her. After her arc and all she's been through, I'd hug her for hours. If she was real I'd put a ring on it. Which makes me feel even worse that everyone else seems to not care about her. It's Fiora from Xenoblade Chronicles all over again.
submitted by WhispyWhirl to Blazblue [link] [comments]

Up to £244.55 profit in cashback through gambling offers with TopCashback, Quidco and OhMyDosh

Up to £244.55 profit in cashback through gambling offers with TopCashback, Quidco and OhMyDosh
TopCashback, Quidco and OhMyDosh always have a number of gambling offers available, with the offered amounts often changing daily or weekly. There are currently quite a few offers available on each where the cashback amount is more than the required deposit or wager amount. I've done most of these and always keep an eye out for when the amounts increase, to make sure I can get the most for my money. The offers they have on today are some of the best I've ever seen for each of them.
The first step is to sign up for the cashback sites if you haven't already. If you use a referral link to sign up then you can get an extra bonus once your cashback becomes payable:
Then the next step is to work through the offers. These are all only available for new customers, so if you already have an account with one of the sites then you won't be eligible for the offer from them unfortunately. It's also worth checking the terms as some have specific wagering requirements, for example Betfair Poker must be completed within 3 days of opening your account and low risk roulette bets (covering 25 or more of the 37 outcomes) are excluded from counting towards the wager.
# Site From Cashback Deposit/Wager Profit
1 Betfair Poker Quidco £50 £10 £40
2 Pokerstars TCB £45 £25/£10 £35
3 Coral Casino TCB £42 £10 £32
4 Ladbrokes Casino TCB £42 £10 £32
5 William Hill Casino TCB / Quidco £54 £25 £29
6 Paddy Power Games TCB / Quidco £20 £10 £10
7 Lottoland TCB £20 £10.01 £9.99
8 Lottomart TCB £18 £10 £8
9 Foxy Bingo OMD £5 £12.50 £7.50
10 Gala Bingo OMD £5 £12.50 £7.50
11 Tombola Quidco £17.32 £10 £7.32
12 BingoPort TCB £3 - £3
13 LottoGo OMD £4.50 £2 £2.50
14 Free Slots Genie OMD £1.25 - £1.25
15 Profit Accumulator TCB £1.05 - £1.05
16 The Best Free Spins OMD £1 - £1
17 Free Spins Wizard OMD £1 - £1
18 Pick My Postcode TCB £0.82 - £0.82
19 Search Lotto TCB £0.82 - 0.82
20 Free Spins Loopy OMD £0.80 - £0.80
21 Mr Free Slots OMD £0.80 - £0.80
22 Lotto Social TCB £0.60 - £0.60
23 FreeBingoGenie OMD £0.60 - £0.60
24 Cheeky Bingo OMD £10 £10 -
25 bgo OMD £10 £10 -
If you complete all these offers then you should make £232.55 cashback in profit through the offers alone. If you are new to the cashback sites and sign up through referral links then this will be £244.55 instead. There's also a chance you can make a profit on any or all the offers and walk away with even more.
There's also a final few key points:
  • Make sure you have all adblockers and tracking protection switched off as otherwise this may lead to issues with the cashback tracking correctly.
  • I've listed the highest paying in terms of deposit/wager to cashback offers here, but if you have a preference for one cashback site over the other then they often offer very similar amounts if you'd rather go with the other instead.
  • Similarly, some sites (OhMyDosh in particular) offer a lower cashback amount but also a lower deposit/wager amount, which may be more appealing to some.
  • I don't like to say the cashback is guaranteed as all the cashback sites say it never is, but I've never had an issue with any of these sites, whether through gambling or other offers.
  • Please be aware that these all these offers all are gambling, so I'd highly recommend depositing and wagering only the mimimum amount required to get the cashback, then withdrawing any profit you may have made.
  • Please Be Gamble Aware when using these sites.
Let me know if you have any questions about any of these offers :)
submitted by pKYmlCo70Iyn9D0q38L1 to beermoneyuk [link] [comments]

Ultimate Casino Cashback Guide - Earn over £500 - Every Offer Explained!

This guide aims to outline all of the best gambling cashback offers available over a range of sites, following this guide you should be able to make over £500 in cashback
Note - Cashback often takes a while to payout, bear this in mind when completing offers as you may have to wait to cashout your earnings
When completing these offers don't chase any loses as the cashback will give you a profit with nerly every offer
A short review of each site and some referral links
Topcashback - Cashback will show as tracked within a few days, can take a few weeks to become payable, in some cases even longer, asides from gambling they have great offers for car insurance and mobile phone contracts, worth taking a look to save some extra money!
Ref - Extra £5 when you make £10 cashback
Non-Ref - No reward
Quidco - Much the same as Topcashback
Minimum payment - £10
Ohmydosh - Faster Payouts but less offers
Ref - Extra £1
Non-Ref - No reward
Minimum payout - Any
Cashback Earners - A lesser known site in need of a fresh look, this site also has some bad reviews, referal income is paid to the site on a monthly basis with the dates for each site being different, offers don't seem to show as tracked until the website receive their payment, cashback should appear in your account within 1 month of completing an offer. Cashout amounts are specific, its best to build up a balance and then withdraw. Payment takes around 3 weeks.
Ref - Sign up bonus £6.5
Non-Ref - Sign up bonus £6.5
Minimum payout is £20
Payment Proof - Payments for all sites can be seen here, quidco isn't shown as i have signed up for all the casinos on offer through topcashback

How to Maximize Profit - IMPORTANT - READ THIS

For the majority of these offers you want to play blackjack following the chart found here
Any blackjack game will do, look for a normal version of the game at the site you are playing on and make sure it is a non live game as the hand sizes will be lower.
When playing blackjack there will often be more than one spot that you can bet on, allowing the player to bet more than one hand at a time, Its important to only bet on one spot at a time as it reduces the variance of the game and will ensure you get the maximum return possible from the game, stick to £1 hand sizes when playing and dont be tempted to bet larger amounts as you will be getting a nice amount of cashback from every offer
Through playing blackjack this way the player will get a return of around 98%, meaning for every £100 staked you will lose around £2. If you make a loss on a casino site after completing the required wagering amount, withdraw your remaining balance, don't chase loses as the cashback will make up for loses and give you a profit in most cases.
All offers are updated fairly regularly, make sure to check the terms for each offer as information in this post may become outdated. Also check for other offers every now and then as new casinos are added!

TopCashBack Offers - £400+ Profit

Topcashback Referral - Get an extra £5 - See the Ref Link at the top of the page!
If you dont already have an account at top cashback, you can sign up through my referral to get an extra £5 added to you account once you make £10 cashback
Lottoland - Cashback £15
Add £11 and play 11 separate £1 hands, following the strategy outlined at the top of the post, withdraw any remaining balance.
Betfair Casino - Cashback £70
Note this is not the poker offer
Add £50 to your account and play 50 single £1 hands on blackjack following the strategy outlined at the top of the post, withdraw any remaining balance.
Quidco are offering £100 for this offer
Party Casino - Cashback £26.5
Deposit and play 30 single £1 hand son blackjack following the strategy outlined at the top of the post, withdraw any remaining balance.
Tombola - Cashback £24.5
Deposit £10 and open the tombola roulette game, choose a £1 chip size and choose 5 spots, repeat this twice, withdraw any remaining balance, you will likely lose money here but the cashback will give you a profit
Coral - Cashback £46
Add £10 and play 10 single £1 hands on blackjack following the strategy outlined at the top of the post, withdraw any remaining balance.
Bingoport - Cashback £3
Sign up to bingoport to get an easy £3
Ladbrokes - Cashback £42
Add £10 to your account and play 10 single £1 hands on blackjack following the strategy outlined at the top of the post, withdraw any remaining balance.
Pokerstars - Cashback £32
Add £25 and play 25 single £1 hands on blackjack following the strategy outlined at the top of the post, withdraw any remaining balance.
STS - Cashback £21
Add £30 to your account and play 30 single £1 hands on blackjack following the strategy outlined at the top of the post, withdraw any remaining balance.
William Hill - Cashback £54
add £25 and play 25 single £1 hands on blackjack following the strategy outlined at the top of the post, withdraw any remaining balance.
Megacasino - £15.75
Add £25 - Play 25 single £1 hands on blackjack following the strategy outlined at the top of the post, withdraw any remaining balance.
LottoGo - Cashback £3.18
Buy a euromillions ticket
Slingo - Cashback £24.75
Add £10 play 10 single £1 hands on blackjack following the strategy outlined at the top of the post, withdraw any remaining balance.
PaddyPower Games - Cashback £20
Add £10 play 10 single £1 hands on blackjack following the strategy outlined at the top of the post, withdraw any remaining balance.
The Football Pools - Cashback £24.75
Sign up for the £10 a month subscription, cancel this after 30 days
Lottomart - Cashback £18
Add £10 - Play 10 single £1 hands on blackjack following the strategy outlined at the top of the post, withdraw any remaining balance.
Genting Slots - Cashback £25
Add £30 play 30 single £1 hands on blackjack following the strategy outlined at the top of the post, withdraw any remaining balance.
OhMyDosh - Cashback £40+
Referral gives an extra £1, sign up through the ref link at the top of the post to get the bonus!
Gala Bingo - Cashback £17.50
Deposit at least £5, you'll get a £10 slots bonus and 100 free spins, these carry hefty wagering requirements, Open any slot and play the minimum spin size, play until you lose all of the money in your account or complete the wagering requirements on the bonus funds. Withdraw any remaining balance.
BGO - £10 Cashback
Deposit at least £15. Play 15 single £1 hands on blackjack following the strategy outlined at the top of the post, withdraw any remaining balance. DONT ACCEPT the welcome bonus from BGO.
Lottosocial - Cashback £4
Sign up to Lotto Social - Use your correct phone number when joining as it is the only way to login to your account. Purchase 10 lines for £1, after making a purchase go to your account page and find the list of syndicates your are in, leave the syndicates to avoid making any more payments.
Cheeky Bingo - £10 Cashback
Deposit £10 and get a £40 welcome bonus, just play bingo with all of your funds and hope to get some wins, bonus has 4x wagering requirements.

Quidco - Cashback £100+

Quidco don't offer a sign up bonus, find my ref link at the top of the post if you want to help me out!
All of the offers on quidco are much the same as topcashback, the only offer worth noting is the betfair casino offer which pays £100
Betfair - £100 cashback
Add £100 and play 100 single £1 hands on blackjack following the strategy outlined at the top of the post, withdraw any remaining balance.

Cashbackearners - Cashback £180+

Sign up Bonus
Get a £6.5 sign up bonus, think this works with or without the ref link, links are at the top of the post!
To find these offers just search for casino on the site.
All of these offers state that you only need to make a deposit, its best to play through the deposit 1x to ensure that the cashback is paid.
LuckyMeSlots - Cashback £15
Add £15 and play 15 single £1 hands on blackjack following the strategy outlined at the top of the post, withdraw any remaining balance.
Spin Genie - Cashback £12.5
Add £12.5 and play 12.5 £1 hands on blackjack following the strategy outlined at the top of the post, withdraw any remaining balance.
Cashmo - Cashback £10
Add £10 and play through £10 on any slot staking the minimum amount per spin. Don't spin the wheel that pops up after signing up or accept any other bonuses.
Ice36 -Cashback £15
Add £15 and play 15 £1 hands on blackjack following the strategy outlined at the top of the post, withdraw any remaining balance.
Spinhill Casino - Cashback £15
Add £15 and play 15 £1 hands on blackjack following the strategy outlined at the top of the post, withdraw any remaining balance.
Galacasino - Cashback £30
add £30 and play 30 £1 hands on blackjack following the strategy outlined at the top of the post, withdraw any remaining balance.
Casino765 - Cashback £12.5
Add £12.5 and play 12.5 £1 hands on blackjack following the strategy outlined at the top of the post, withdraw any remaining balance.
Casinosuperwins - Not recommended, bad site, awful support
Casino2020 - Cashback £15
Add £15 and play through £15 on any slot staking the minimum amount per spin. Keep track of spins and quit the slot after wagering the required amount. Don't spin the wheel that pops up after signing up or accept any other bonuses.
Pocketwin - Cashback £10
Add £10 and play through £10 on any slot staking the minimum amount per spin. Keep track of spins and quit the slot after wagering the required amount. Don't spin the wheel that pops up after signing up or accept any other bonuses.
The Sun Vegas - Cashback £15
Add £15 and play 15 £1 hands on blackjack following the strategy outlined at the top of the post, withdraw any remaining balance.
DrSlot - Cashback £10
Add £10 and play through £10 on any slot staking the minimum amount per spin. Keep track of spins and quit the slot after wagering the required amount. Don't spin the wheel that pops up after signing up or accept any other bonuses.
MrSpin - Cashback £10
Add £10 and play through £10 on any slot staking the minimum amount per spin. Keep track of spins and quit the slot after wagering the required amount. Don't spin the wheel that pops up after signing up or accept any other bonuses.
PrimeCasino - Cashback £15
Add £15 and play 15 £1 hands on blackjack following the strategy outlined at the top of the post, withdraw any remaining balance.
ConquestAdor - Cashback £10
Add £10 play 10 £1 hands on blackjack following the strategy outlined at the top of the post, withdraw any remaining balance.
MFortune - Cashback £10
Add £10 and play through £10 on any slot staking the minimum amount per spin. Keep track of spins and quit the slot after wagering the required amount. Don't spin the wheel that pops up after signing up or accept any other bonuses.
Thanks for reading, hope this of use to some people, happy earning!
submitted by Leth96 to beermoneyuk [link] [comments]

Repost and update of the Don't fall for the "Evanhull" Discord/fake gambling/ fake exchange site Scam here's my story after dealing with this since Jan 13

You're probably thinking "hey why did you delete the original post?", well the stranger unblocked and contacted me shortly to negotiate, ends up I never got what's mine back so I might as well keep this up until that's the case. without further ado here's a warning and a detailed story and explanation of how the scam operates, feel free to laugh at my naive misfortune:
Yes I know I'm foolish for falling for this obvious scam but I really thought the stranger was someone in need :/
Okay, I will explain how it works, guy on discord messages you telling you that he has funds but can't withdraw till the end of the month, but he needs it asap due to "really poor" conditions like only having like 40 bucks to survive etc.
Anyways I was down to help because we should always strive to help each other, stranger also mentions that you'll "receive" a % cut due to how "desperate" he is, I personally didn't care whatsoever for a cut, I really just wanted to help out a stranger but this is how they entice you. So you sign up what is disguised to be a very functioning BTC gambling site with an active chat room with both scammers and victims chatting, he sends you the amount through an in website transfer, 1.87BTC at this point my jaw dropped but I didn't want to do anything with it just withdraw it for him and leave. Since he offered a cut I'll take it as a kind gesture but, in order to withdraw, you must deposit 0.0187 BTC.
By the time I checked on Reddit for a similar post I already sent about 0.02 BTC due to the "bot" not being able to count the amount correctly why? because they set up the website so that when you deposit the exact amount needed they take a 2% cut which the bot won't detect and "blacklist" you, so in this case, the deposit shows up as .0185. You're probably thinking "alright just send the extra 0.002" well he's the kicker the minimum amount is .013BTC :/ so I send more am like cool I get withdraw, get the BTC, take back what I spent out of my Abroad college savings and give it the rest to the stranger.
Well, the withdrawal failed, why well according to "support" you must send it all in one ticket. Meanwhile, the stranger and I are talking and bonding about this for about 4 hours so a sense of comradery formed between us which is also how these guys will manipulate you. The stranger goes offline, I look upon google found a Reddit post asking if anyone heard this, my heart sank I felt like puking. I rushed to support explained my situation, he calms me down and said that I have to send the minium all in one go. Thinking of the stranger's situation, how that money can drastically improve his situation I sent 0.02BTC (had to call my bank to send money to the exchange smh). Goes through, same verification fail message support said that he'll put in a manual withdrawal and that the process will take about what week.
The next day I explain stranger the situation, told me to contact support, I told him to wait, which leads to today. After annoying me and getting impatient I contacted support, asking to check the status, "Admin" took over this time apologies and said that the only way to fix this was to send 0.013btc and that he put a 2x multiplier on the deposit as an apology and to ensure that the error doesn't go through. At this point, I was just ecstatic to see a return of what I spent and it didn't help that the stranger messages manipulated me and blinded me from thinking.
Sends in the 0.013BTC, IT WORKS!!! Verification in progress admin said to wait a couple of hours, while this is happening other users in the live chat were struggling with withdrawals but I was happy to see a return to the strangers' funds and my own. So I updated the stranger on the situation, told him to send me his BTC address and that in a couple of hours we'll have our funds back.
This leads to 30 mins prior to the writing of this post, after bonding with my family I go back to refresh the account" Sorry, the page you are looking for could not be found. ", well according to these conveniently new articles about evanhull, the website has been a victim of DDoS with conflicting info about the origin of the website (founded in Uk but SK in the articles?".... Strange? Messages Stranger only to be found blocked, that's when my gears started spinning LOL. So under the same Ip but in incognito mode I make a new account and that gives me full access but on my original account, I get the same error. Yup, that's when I accepted reality, I contacted support explaining my situation and pasted the exact message on the live chat to wake other people up, in 5 minutes I got banned with the same error.
Which is where I am now. In the span of 3 days, I lost a total of .06828 BTC/close to 3200CAD, time, trust in the goodwill of people. But as a 19-year old, I'm glad this happened to me sooner than later and learned a valuable lesson not to help people at your own expense especially monetary expense. Sucks that It's a setback for my education funds just means I gotta work hard to get it back once summer rolls around. Those interested I took a lot of screenshots in which I don't mind sharing in the DMs
TLDR: If helping someone requires you to spend money on a complete online stranger don't ever do it
submitted by DashWhisper to Bitcoin [link] [comments]

Zero to... more than zero challenge?

So I wanted to start a challenge for myself and see how far I can climb in poker.
I am going to start with $0 and start playing freerolls on WSOP since I live in Vegas and that’s the only site I can play on.
I do gamble a lot on different things and my Birthday is on Super Bowl Sunday.
My plan on Sunday is to go to every casino in town that does Birthday free play and when I am done with it all, put the whole roll as a single deposit. I might make some deposits along the way but I would like to try to keep this “hobby” as cheap as possible.
I will do my best to keep records and post on this when good things happen or just to check in. I am making this so I can be held accountable and maybe get feedback on certain strategies.
I have a lot of problems with tilt and have busted deposits left right and center, but I want to work on my self control and not racing up to certain stakes.
Ideally I would like to get about $300 and play $.05/$.10 No Limit and just grind that for a while. That’s my first real milestone.
So tomorrow February 4th, I will be playing the freerolls. I have an oddball strategy for it. My plan is to late reg at the end and then just play really aggressive to get in the money. I’ve found that if you double after late reg and then sit out, you can make the money.
The freerolls don’t work too well with my schedule but that’s the best way I can work with it. Obviously, I wouldn’t do this if it was a paid buy-in and really this is just me spinning my wheels until Sunday.
I do like the late reg idea for real money tournaments, but I don’t play it as aggressive when I sit down.
So I will post tomorrow night some results and maybe the bust hands or something, I haven’t really thought of a good format yet.
Good luck everyone!
submitted by VegasRonin to poker [link] [comments]

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Popular Builder Solitaire Card Games

Solitaire is the much beloved choice for killing time in the office or at the home computer. The three most popular solitaire card games are Klondike, Spider, and FreeCell, and these enjoy dizzying heights of popularity as a result of being included as part of Microsoft Windows in the 1990s (for more on this, see this article). What these three games have in common is that they all fit the "builder" genre. That means that they follow the basic formula of many solitaire games, where the overall objective is to arrange cards in ascending order from Ace through to King, for each of the four separate suits. Typically this is done by placing and moving cards within a tableau of rows and columns of cards, where the cards are often arranged in descending order, sometimes with an additional requirement of alternating colours.
Klondike, Spider, and FreeCell are by no means unique in this regard, and the genre of "building" games is the most popular archetype within the larger world of solitaire card games. Not all solitaire card games are builder games, but builder games are the most common and arguably the most loved. So which other solitaire games of this type should you know about and should you try first? I've explored the world of solitaire card games extensively myself, and also examined numerous lists about the most popular ones, to help you begin your experience with the best of the best, rather than waste your time with mediocre or obscure games. The six builder games covered in this article are time-tested classics that are most well-known and loved, and represent the best "next step" for anyone wanting to branch out after enjoying Klondike, Spider, or FreeCell.
Each of the builder games discussed here represents a small category of its own, because there are many popular variations and related games for each, which I will cover as well. As with my previous articles on solitaire games games, the accompanying links go to, which is a website where you can play these games for free. But because these games are so common and well known, you'll find that they are included in most software and websites that offer collections of solitaire card games.

== Games With One Deck ==

Overview: Baker's Dozen also represents a family of games that plays much like Forty Thieves (see below), but with a single deck. While some variations have a stock, in Baker's Dozen and its most closely related games all the cards are face up, so you have complete information to work with.
Game-play: The tableau consists of thirteen columns of four overlapping and face-up cards each, while the four foundations begin empty. To ensure that the tableau doesn't lock up too quickly, Kings are automatically placed to the bottom of each column when they are turned up. Just like in Forty Thieves, only the single top card of each column may be moved, and columns are built downwards, in any colour and suit. Empty spaces in the tableau may not be filled. As you'd expect, the aim is to get the entire deck onto the four foundations, building up each from Ace to King, with each being built upwards by value.
Variations: Portuguese Solitaire makes Baker's Dozen slightly easier by allowing empty spaces in the tableau to be filled with Kings, while Spanish Patience allows building on the foundations regardless of suit. Baker's Two Deck is effectively the same as Baker's Dozen but using two decks, with eight foundations and a tableau consisting of ten columns with 10 or 11 cards each.
My thoughts: Because this only involves a single deck, Baker's Dozen is much quicker to play than Forty Thieves, and the chances of success are also significantly higher, with as many as 2 of 3 games being easily winnable. The fact that Kings begin at the bottom of the tableau ensures that you don't get stuck too quickly, and being able to build down in the tableau independent of suit ensures a great amount of flexibility. At the same time managing the tableau carefully is still important, especially in cases where empty spaces don't get filled. This makes Baker's Dozen a quicker, simpler, and more accessible game than Forty Thieves and its many variants, while still remaining rewarding and satisfying to play.
Related games: Castles in Spain requires building down in the tableau to be with alternate colours, and in most versions of this game all but the top card of each column in the tableau begins face-down. Quite similar is Martha and its harder sibling Stewart, where every second card in the tableau begins face-down. Good Measure is a more difficult variation of Baker's Dozen, since it uses ten columns of five cards each, and has more strict rules for building on the foundations; Canister has only eight columns with even more cards on each.
Bisley: Special mention can be made of Bisley, which is a classic but more difficult game in this family. In Bisley you use a tableau of thirteen columns of four cards each to build upwards on the four Aces, and simultaneously build downwards on the Kings whenever they become available.
Overview: Canfield is one of the all time greats among solitaire games, and is a genuine classic. Also known under names like Demon, Fascination, or Thirteen, you'll find that it appears in almost every book with solitaire card games. According to legend, the game owes its origin and name to Richard A. Canfield, a 19th century gambler. For an initial outlay of $52, Canfield offered gamblers a reward of $5 for every card successfully played to the foundations, with a $500 pot for successfully playing all 52 cards to the foundations. Anything more than 10 cards played to the foundations would get you out of the red, but in most cases the game favoured the casino, indicating how hard the game can be to play.
Game-play: Game-play is much like Klondike, with the aim of building up all four suits in order. The key difference is the starting set-up, because there is a single face-down reserve of 13 cards (sometimes called the "demon"), with a 14th card turned up as the first foundation card. The foundations begin with the cards corresponding to the rank of this initially turned up card (rather than the usual Ace), and the idea is to build upwards from there, if necessary "turning the corner" from King through to Ace. Also different from Klondike is the starting tableau, which consists of just four face up cards alongside the reserve. The stock is turned up three cards at a time as in standard Klondike, with as many re-deals as necessary. Any space that appears in the tableau is immediately filled by the top card of the reserve pile, which is always kept face-up.
Variations: Given how challenging it can take to win a standard game of Canfield, a number of variants exist that simplify the game slightly, increasing your chances of playing cards to the foundations. Canfield's gambling house is said to have given players the option of going through the stock three times when dealing three cards at a time, or just a single time when dealing one card at a time, and it has been estimated that most games would only see 5 or 6 cards played. The game becomes slightly easier with Canfield Rush, where the cards are first dealt three at a time, then two at a time, and then individually in a final deal of the stock.
My thoughts: Canfield does have a strong connection to Klondike, but has a smaller tableau to work with, while also providing a much smaller number of cards (only 13) that are face-down in the tableau at the start of the game. The real key is finding a way to make these cards available and get these into the game. Given how hard the original game is, I prefer playing with the rule that allows dealing of cards individually, and cycling through the stock as often as necessary. Some of the related games discussed below, such as Rainbow and Storehouse, significantly improve your winning chances, and can be very satisfying to play. Certainly if you enjoy Klondike, this game is a great next step to try.
Related games: In Rainbow (also called Rainbow Canfield), cards may be built downwards in the tableau regardless of suit (some versions still require alternating colour), making it much easier to manipulate cards and work your way through the stock and the reserve. Additionally, cards from the reserve aren't automatically added to the tableau, giving you more control and adding strategic options. In most versions of Storehouse (also called Thirteen-Up), you get an additional head-start by placing your initial four cards on the foundations at the outset, while cards from the stock are turned up one at a time. The big difference in this game is that you must build down by suit in the tableau, which really changes how the game feels, because playing from the tableau to the foundation usually involves a whole string of cards at once. Eagle Wing (also called Thirteen-Down) is somewhat similar to Storehouse, and has a uniquely shaped tableau. Dutchess (sometimes spelled Duchess), is a Canfield style game that adds a reserve of four fans, while American Toad is an easy-to-win version of Canfield with two decks.
Two Players: Canfield has been adapted for a multi-player game under the common name Pounce, and is also known as Nerts or Racing Demon. A commercial version exists under the name Solitaire Frenzy, and the published game Dutch Blitz is also a close relative. In Pounce, each player uses his own deck and tableau, playing simultaneously and real time onto shared foundations, with the goal is to be the first to get rid of your reserve pile. You can play with as many as half a dozen players or more, and the frenzied action typically proves to be enormous fun!
FAN GAMES (La Belle Lucie)
Overview: La Belle Lucie, also called in English "Lovely Lucy" or "Beautiful Lutecia", is a classic representative of the family of games typically described as Fan games. It's one of the more difficult games in the genre to win, and thus some of its variants and closely related games have arguably become more popular than Lovely Lucy itself. But this classic game of French origin is a good archetype of the genre, and you'll find it included in most books with patience games, and on most solitaire websites and software. Effectively this game is just a tableau of 17 columns of three cards each (plus a column with a single card), but the fan-style arrangement with horizontally overlapping cards that is traditionally associated with this game is a signature feature.
Game-play: A single deck is dealt face-up into 17 "fans", each consisting of three overlapping cards, plus an 18th column with just one card. Only one card can be transferred within the tableau at a time, so sequences can't be moved, and building happens downwards according to suit. Empty spaces in the tableau may not be filled. The aim is to build up four foundations by suit from Ace to King. Under the most commonly played rules, once you are unable to place or move any more cards, you take all the cards from the tableau and redeal them into fans with three cards each; there are two such re-deals.
Variations: Three Shuffles and a Draw (also called Lovely Lucy With a Draw) adds a merci play, where you can move a single blocked card once during the course of the game. While La Belle Lucie is sometimes called The Fan, this is also the name of a popular variation which allows exposed Kings to be played to empty spaces in the tableau, making the game less frustrating and far more achievable. Trefoil is identical to La Belle Lucie except that the Aces begin on the foundations, resulting in an initial tableau of just 16 fans.
My thoughts: This is a terrific single-deck game, because you have perfect information given that all the cards are face-up, and the large number of columns/fans means that buried cards have at most only a couple of cards blocking them. La Belle Lucie is very difficult to win under the original and strict rules, especially because empty fans may not be refilled, and cards beneath an unplayable exposed card (e.g. a King) are permanently inaccessible. The merci rule that lets you unblock one card is virtually essential, and usually a standard way of playing, but even after two redeals the game can still be hard to finish, depending on the draw. Some of the variants and related games that simplify things slightly are more satisfying. This is one of my favourite solitaire games to play with a single deck, since it is less luck-dependent than many other popular single-deck games like Klondike.
Related games: One of the more popular games in this family is Super Flower Garden, where building downward is permitted regardless of suit; with good play under these rules the game can be completed almost every single time. Shamrocks takes the essence of La Belle Lucie, but implements several other changes to make the game much easier: Kings are moved to the bottom of the fan during the deal, and you may build up as well as down on the fans (which are limited in size to 3 cards) and can ignore suits; to prevent it being too easy there are no redeals.
Similar games: Games in the Baker's Dozen family (covered previously above) are sometimes classified as Fan games as well, because the game-play is quite similar, with 13 columns/fans of four cards each, but the absence of re-deals gives them a different feel. Bristol is often played with a tableau consisting of fans as well, but there are only eight fans of three cards each, while the rest of the deck functions as a stock that you deal onto three waste or reserve piles. Despite some hidden information, those who appreciate Fan games are likely to appreciate Bristol as well. Intelligence is a two-deck game in the style of La Belle Lucie, while the relatively easy two-deck game Buffalo Bill relies on reserve cells rather than tableau building.
CASTLE GAMES (Beleaguered Castle)
Overview: Beleaguered Castle is the most famous member of what can be called the "Castle" family of solitaire games, and is a classic game that you'll find in most books of Patience. This game sometimes also goes under the alternative names of Laying Siege and Sham Battle. It is an excellent example of an open solitaire game, because all the cards are dealt face-up at the start, so you begin with perfect information.
Game-play: With the four Aces placed in a vertical column as foundations, the rest of the cards are dealt face-up into four rows of six overlapping cards each on either side, forming a tableau consisting of two "wings". As expected, the goal is to build all four foundations in order from Ace through King. Cards may only be moved within the tableau one at a time, rather than in stacks, so only the end card of each row within the tableau may be moved, either to the foundations, to another row in descending sequence regardless of suit, or to an empty space in the tableau.
Variations: In Streets and Alleys, the Aces don't begin in the starting foundations at all, but are included in the initial tableau of dealt cards, so that the four rows on the left side of the foundations each consist of seven cards each rather than six. Thomas Warfield's Stronghold adds a storage cell to Streets and Alleys, to give more strategic options for movement. Citadel improves Beleaguered Castle's initial position slightly by allowing you to build straight to the foundations during the deal, while Selective Castle lets you choose the rank of the foundation cards after the deal. Some solitaire sites offer a Beleaguered Cities variant (sometimes simply called Castle), which makes the game much easier by allowing you to build in ascending or descending sequence (still regardless of suit), and this ensures that you can nearly always complete the game successfully.
My thoughts: Despite the unusual signature "wing" setup, strictly speaking the mechanics of Beleagured Castle are like most other solitaire games (especially Forty Thieves, see below), but with a single deck, eight columns of six cards each, and no stock. The strict rules for movement and building within the tableau make this a very difficult game to complete successfully. Ideally you want to be able to get one of the rows entirely clear, to give you more options for manipulation within the tableau. Even so, being only able to move the outside card on each row is quite limiting, and as a result you will often be thwarted by the luck of the draw early on, especially if high cards bury some lower cards, and so this classic game can be somewhat frustrating. You'll often find yourself quickly redealing and starting over, hoping for better luck the next time around; one advantage of a digital version is that you can keep redealing until you get a deal that seems like a reasonable starting draw. The simpler variant Castle is a good place to start with this game, since it increases your chances of success drastically.
Related games: Fortress operates on a similar concept, but there are five rows on each side of the foundations instead of four. In addition, you are restricted to building on the same suit, but you may build in ascending or descending sequence. Aces start within the tableau (thus two rows have six instead of five cards). The variant Chessboard applies the same principle as Selective Castle, by letting you choose the rank of the foundation cards after the deal (building around the corner on the foundations as required), in order to take better advantage of the cards you have been dealt. Zerline is a German game where Queens are high, and helps by adding a four-card storage area.
Overview: Sir Tommy (Old Patience, Try Again, Numerica) is also known as Old Patience, which reflects its origin as the oldest known patience game, and possible ancestor of all others. The average person may not have heard of it, but it deserves a place on this list because this is a game from which so many other solitaire games are derived, including many more familiar ones. It is at the head of a family of games where cards in the tableau can't be moved after being placed, and that's a unique quality that also makes it quite challenging to win.
Game-play: Suits are irrelevant in this game, and the aim is to build four foundations from Ace to King. You deal the deck face-up one at a time, and the tableau has four columns (or waste piles); dealt cards can be played on any column but cannot be moved from one to another. So while it's still technically a building game because you are building up the foundations, there is no packing in the tableau to assist you with this.
Variations: Some variants (e.g. Auld Lang Syne, Tam O'Shanter) turn Sir Tommy into even an simpler luck-based game nearly impossible to win, while others are extremely strategic like the well-known Calculation. Amazons is an interesting version played with a smaller deck that has the goal of building to the Queens (= Amazons), and is best played digitally given the amount of redealing. Other variants make the game easier (and for me, more enjoyable) by increasing the number of tableaus (Strategy, Lady Betty, and Last Chance) or redeals (Acquaintance), or make it more interesting by requiring building by colours (Puss in the Corner, and Colours, Alternate).
My thoughts: Good players can win as many as 20% of their games, and storing cards in the right order on the four columns is critical, because you want to avoid having low valued cards blocked by higher ones, or having too many cards of the same number in one column. Reserving a pile for Kings and another for high cards is often a good strategy. Even so, it's a hard game to win and can be frustrating. I recommend trying some of the easier variants as a way to enjoy this game; there's a good reason so many variants have evolved from the original over time. It's a large family that includes many solitaire variants, and these are well worth trying and exploring.
Related games: Several two-deck games are in the Sir Tommy family, including Fanny, Frog (also called Toad), Fly, and Grand Duchess, most of which involve using a reserve. Several two-deck games use similar mechanics but operate with a larger 20 card tableau in the style of the simple game Carpet, but involve building both up and down on the foundations; for me personally these are the most fun of all Sir Tommy variants, and include Twenty (also called Sly Fox), Colorado, Grandmother's Patience (also called Grandmamma's Game), and Grandfather's Patience - all excellent games.
Calculation: Calculation deserves special mention, and has become a classic in its own right. What makes it unique is that the foundations are built up by one, two, three, and four respectively, and it requires a lot of skill. The variant Betsy Ross is more luck-dependent but is also easier to complete successfully.
Overview: Yukon first appeared in a 1949 book on solitaire games, and has since exploded in popularity. This single deck solitaire game was partly inspired by Klondike, which is of course the most popular solitaire card game of all time. But because Yukon has no stock and more flexible rules for movement of stacks within the tableau, it allows a lot more scope for thinking.
Game-play: While inspired and indebted to Klondike, Yukon creates a game with a very different feel by removing the requirement that stacks of cards must be in alternating sequence in order to be moved. In other words, you can move any stack to a legal card within the tableau, regardless of the sequence of the cards in that stack. While this makes the game easier, another significant change makes it harder: there is no stock that you deal. So all the cards are in the tableau at the outset, and you'll have to manipulate the tableau cleverly to uncover face-down cards and build all four suits onto the four foundations from Ace through King.
Variations: To make Yukon slightly easier, a couple of variants alter things slightly to simplify the gameplay, such as removing the requirement that only Kings can be placed in an empty space in the tableau (this variation is sometimes called Great River). Some digital implementations give the option of reducing the number of suits used, such as in Yukon One Suit, which you can nearly always win, while still having to think carefully.
My thoughts: The rules for manipulating the tableau give you more options than Klondike, and thus more to consider and think about. Both Yukon and Russian Solitaire (mentioned under "related games" below) are extremely popular solitaire games, because they are simultaneously more challenging and more rewarding than Klondike style games. Skill plays more of a role, and there are players so dedicated to Yukon that they have played it thousands of times. In regular Yukon you can expect to win as much as 1 in 4 games, but the added level of difficulty in Russian Solitaire reduces that to as little as once in 20 games. The key is to bring the face-down cards into play as soon as possible.
Related games: Russian Solitaire makes Yukon harder by only allowing you to build down in the tableau with cards of the same suit, instead of in alternating colours, and it is an extremely popular game in its own right. This requirement is also in place with Alaska, but may build in ascending or descending order in the tableau, which makes it easier to win than Russian Solitaire. Australian Patience is another popular spin-off from Yukon, and adds a stock which is dealt one at a time, while the entire 7x4 tableau starts face up; however this can feel like it's more about careful observation than decision making. Many other Yukon inspired games exist, including games which add things like a reserve, storage cells, or extra decks.
Scorpion: Special mention should be made of popular game Scorpion, which some categorize as part of the Yukon family, and the rules for moving unarranged stacks in Yukon may even originate in Scorpion. However, Scorpion uses Spider's requirement that stacks from Ace to King of the same suit must be assembled within the tableau before being discarded. Scorpion variants include Wasp, Three Blind Mice, Chinese Solitaire, and others.

== Games With Two Decks ==

FORTY THIEVES (Napoleon at St Helena)
Overview: Forty Thieves is a popular and classic game played with two decks, and is also included in most books with patience games. It also goes under the alternate name Napoleon at St Helena (not to be confused with a different solitaire game called "Saint Helena" or "Napoleon's Favorite"), and tradition says that this is the solitaire game Napoleon played while in exile on the island of St Helena. The game also goes under other names, including Roosevelt at San Juan. Its simple rules means that many variations exist, many of which are among the more strategic and satisfying versions of solitaire games that you'll find anywhere. Carefully working through the stock pile and manipulating the discard pile are a big element of successful play.
Game-play: A tableau is dealt with ten columns, each with four overlapping and face-up cards. Strict tableau building rules apply, because only the single top card of each column may be moved, and only onto a card that is the next highest rank of the same suit; any card can be placed into a space that becomes available in the tableau. The remaining stock of 64 cards is turned up one card at a time, with no redeals. The goal is to get all the cards onto the eight foundations from Ace through King in each suit.
Variations: In its strict and classic form, even with good play Forty Thieves is difficult to win, so many variants exist that seek to make the game easier. In some of these, the Aces begin as starting foundations ( San Juan Hill). In others, the tableau is not built down by cards of the same suit but by alternating colours (e.g. Streets), or by any suit other than its matching one (Indian). Some variations allow entire sequences of cards to be moved (Josephine, Forty Bandits, Ali Baba), or combine this with having tableau building in alternating colours (Number Ten, Rank and File, Emperor) or tableau building in any suit (Little Forty). In other variations, multiple redeals of the stock are permitted.
My thoughts: Game-play is very tight in the strict form of the game. It's not always a good idea to play a card just because you can, because you may block cards within the tableau that you need. You also need to pay close attention to duplicates, since two decks are in play. As a result, careful planning and consideration is needed. Unused stock typically ends up into an increasingly large face-up discard pile, but in the latter parts of the game skilful play often makes it possible to dig back through this and complete the game. This usually proves most satisfying when playing with one of the variants that makes the game slightly easier, to increase your chances of pulling out a win. Even with these variants, you'll have to play skillfully, making the Forty Thieves family of solitaire games one of the more popular choices for those who like a longer experience that is thoughtful, challenging, and yet solvable, and where skill plays even more of a role than luck.
More variations: Instead of 10 tableau piles, some variations increase this to 12 piles (Blockade, Napoleon's Square, Corona) or 13 piles (Lucas, Waning Moon); or decrease it to 9 piles (Maria) or 8 piles (Forty and Eight, Congress, Parliament, Diplomat, Red and Black), each with different combinations of rules for tableau building. Games with just 6 piles (Blind Alleys, Pas Seul) or 5 piles (Double Rail) begin to feel much like Klondike.
Related games: Many other games take the Forty Thieves style concept and adjust it in more significant ways. In Interchange (more difficult), Breakwater, and Alternations, the initial tableau includes face-down and face-up cards. The very popular Thieves of Egypt begins with a pyramid shaped tableau. Busy Aces is a straight forward game in the style of Forty Thieves that is at the head of its own family, which includes the much simpler Fortune's Favor, a simple game ideal for beginners. For a terrific overview of all the Forty Thieves related games and their different nuances, consult Thomas Warfield's excellent complete guide to Forty Thieves types games.
This is by no means a comprehensive list that includes all builder-style solitaire games. But along with Klondike, Spider, and FreeCell, these seven additional games - Baker's Dozen, Beleaguered Castle,Canfield, Forty Thieves, La Belle Lucie, Sir Tommy, Yukon, and Forty Thieves - and the many related games that belong to their families, are the most common and popular forms of solitaire games that involve building. They have inspired many solitaire games like them, and have stood the test of time well.
If you enjoy Klondike, which is the most popular version of solitaire in the world, then Canfield and Yukon are natural games to explore next. Beleaguered Castle can be a little frustrating due to the strict rules and dependency on the luck of the draw, and even the other games in its family can be quite challenging. I'd recommend it only for more experienced and dedicated players, and would instead suggest next exploring Baker's Dozen and the games in the "Fan" family inspired by La Belle Lucie.
Their style of play is somewhat similar to Forty Thieves and its many siblings, which double the number of cards in the game by adding a second deck, and also adds a stock pile and discard pile you must manage. Forty Thieves type games are among the best you'll find for those who like a more challenging, thoughtful, and longer solitaire experience.
Author's note: I first published this article at PlayingCardDecks here.
submitted by EndersGame_Reviewer to solitaire [link] [comments]

How to Find Free Poker Money at Ethroll Casino

Ethroll Casino is definitely one of those new member of the top list of online casino names. They are currently ranked at number six in the top twenty online casino sites. The reason that they have been chosen as one of the best online casino names is due to their unique betting system which they call the Crypto Casino. Their system uses a hybrid of statistical and mathematical calculations to ensure a high amount of uncertainty when placing your bets. This is what makes the difference between losing hundreds of dollars and making back thousands in just a few minutes.
The only way you can understand how much uncertainty is involved with the betting system used by ethroll casino is when you read their official web page. On the site they tell you everything that you ever needed to know. From there, you can find out all that you want to about this revolutionary game and how they're planning on taking it to even the next level. You also have access to some great online casino offers. For example, you can get an exclusive promo code for a deposit of ten dollars or more. This promo code can give you a percentage of your deposit, that you can keep, should you decide to gamble with your winnings from the ethroll casino.
Like many other online casinos, ethroll casino also offers a variety of different games including slots, video poker, blackjack, roulette, baccarat, and much more. However, one of their specialties is the blackjack game. Their unique betting system, called the Crypto System, allows you to play games like blackjack, no deposit baccarat, and even live tournaments for free. They are dedicated to making the gaming experience fun and exciting while still ensuring that players do not lose too much money. This is important to many people who have spent years playing the same games over again in different casinos across the country.
If you're looking to sign up and deposit your name and credit card information, all that you need is a quick internet search to find out how to do so. Once you're ready to get started, all that you need to do is to choose what kind of casino account you would like. This depends upon whether you're interested in playing the slots or the roulette table. If you're going for the slots, then you will be restricted to playing a maximum of five games at any one time. If you'd like to try the roulette table, then you can play up to four games.
As you can see, playing an online casino for free is pretty simple and easy. The one thing that you need to remember is that you should always read the rules and regulations of any website before you make a deposit. Many times you will find that there are some websites offering bonuses and promotions that are only valid for a limited period of time. In order to take advantage of these, you may have to wait a while for your bonus to kick in. However, it is definitely worth it considering how much money you can win on the following spins of a wheel.
What's more, if you want to play a game for free, then it is possible to do so without having to deposit anything. Free roll games are offered by many online casinos as a promotional feature for new players. By signing up for their newsletters, you can be notified when new bonuses are available. All you have to do then is log into your account and start playing for real money!
submitted by Tawdry_Bath_ to CasinoETHGame [link] [comments]

Casino Dome - free spins, welcome bonus, promotion

Casino Dome - free spins, welcome bonus, promotion

Casino Dome Free Bonuses & Promotions
Casino Dome Review and Exclusive Welcome Bonus for new players. Enjoy 100% up to 200 EUUSD and 21 Free Spins! General T&C Apply. +18 New Players Only. Be Gamble Aware. MGA-Licensed.
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Casino Dome Review

Casino Dome is a new casino on the UK market that will undoubtedly attract even more attention in the future. The site has a stellar theme and visually stunning website. Furthermore, the website is mobile-friendly, which means it’s tailored for mobile gaming. So, you’ll explore its library of games on the go, and access it instantly from your smartphone.
Also, you’ll play at a secure and reliable online casino that incorporates the latest encryption technology and proper security measures, while it holds a license by the Malta Gaming Authority and the UK Gambling Commission. The casino is operated by Genesis Global Limited, a prominent brand in the online gambling industry – with a registered address in Malta. The same brand that has Kassu Casino.

Bonuses at Casino Dome

Welcome Bonus
Start playing casino games with an excellent Welcome Bonus. The Welcome Bonus is only available to new members. Otherwise, the casino has promotions and other offers that will add more excitement to your gaming experience.
Other Promotions
As you know, one of the main factors of an exceptional online casino is their Loyalty Programme and available promotions. Naturally, Casino Dome has an abundance of promotions to suit your preferences, from weekly and monthly promotions, special prize draws and tournaments, among other offers.
On the other hand, the loyal members get to enjoy even more VIP benefits in the VIP club. VIP players will have their personal account manager, exclusive flights, personalised promotions, gifts, and other treats. To learn more about the available promotions, bonuses and VIP Programme of the Casino Dome, please visit the website.
>> Get Free Welcome Bonus <<

Casino Dome Free Spins

You can receive Free Spins as part of the regular promotions of the casino. Please visit the website for more information regarding the latest promotions.

Games at Casino Dome

You’ll be delighted with a vast collection of first-class casino games, from immersive slots with outstanding graphics to realistic gaming experience with Live Casino games. That said, you could choose to play more popular titles like Starburst, Bonanza, and others. Or, put your luck to the test with progressive jackpot slots such as Mega Moolah, Hall of Gods, among other titles.
In case you want to experience your favourite table casino games in a realistic setting, then explore their library of Live Casino games. You could play Blackjack, Poker, Baccarat, or Roulette live. To sum up, there’s no shortage of options for anyone.
However, keep in mind that this is a new online casino, so they’ll continue to update its library with even more new, great games. This casino is powered by multiple, well-known gaming providers like NetEnt, Red Tiger Gaming, Yggdrasil, Evolution Gaming, Play’N GO, to name a few.
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Casino Dome Mobile Application

Casino Dome is well aware of the significance and requirements of mobile gaming. Hence, as long as you have a stable internet connection, you can play your favourite casino games from any mobile device. This means that the site is compatible with any device, including smartphones and tablets. But, at the moment, the casino doesn’t have a mobile application.

Payments at Casino Dome

The casino offers a multitude of payment methods from e-wallets like Skrill, ecoPayz, Neteller, to Mastercard, PayPal and other options. Your financial data is safe as the casino has excellent encryption software.
Withdrawal processing time will vary depending on your selected payment method. In order to verify your account, the casino will ask for specific documents.

Casino Dome Customer Care

Feel free to send your feedback or ask any questions. Typically, you can get in touch with their reliable Customer Support Team via email, phone and the live chat facility. But, always check the FAQ page first as it has in-depth information about many important topics.
>> Get Free Welcome Bonus <<
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Casino Superlines 25 free spins bonus no deposit required

Casino Superlines 25 free spins bonus no deposit required

Casino Superlines Exclusive Bonus
Register at Casino Superlines and claim 25 no deposit free spins! Exclusive promotional code: FSG25. In addition, get up to €1800 and 175 free spins in welcome bonus. Enjoy fast payments and instant support 24/7! Bitcoin accepted!
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If you are looking for a reliable casino site that offers instant gaming and a plethora of video slots and other online games, then don't look any further than Casino Superlines. It provides games from leading software suppliers like NextGen Gaming, NetEnt, Lightning Box and other software giants in the iGaming industry.
The casino was founded in early 2017 by the same team who brought us OrientXpress. The website is stylish yet simple in design with several features like solid customer support, BitCoin payment system and many others. The home currency is Euro and the casino is ideal for players residing in the European Union.
The casino website is available in 10 different languages like for example English, German, French, Spanish etc. The official website is available in a black, white and orange palette with simple navigation and an eye-catching design. For now, the casino does not have any significant complaints and enjoys an excellent reputation in the gambling industry.
Superliners Casino is owned by Equinox Dynamic N.V. and is licensed by the Curacao Government. If you are looking forward to gaining useful information about the games, features, customer support etc., you are at the best place. Here we offer a comprehensive Superlines Casino Review where you get all the details.
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Superlines Casino Video Review

Welcome Bonus

The casino operator is known for offering a generous bonus and special promotions to all the newly registered players as well as the existing customers. If you are a new player, you can avail a Welcome Bonus of 400% up to €1000 on your first deposit. It means that if you have deposited €100 in your casino account, you can play with €500. On your 2nd and 3rd deposit, you can avail a bonus of 100% and 200% respectively.
All the bonuses are limited to one person, one computer and one banking detail. There is no exclusive bonus available and to claim the bonus, you must have a minimum deposit of €20 in your casino account. You will automatically receive the bonus amount in the welcome package on the first three deposits. You must use the registration code BBC avail all these bonus offers.
On the whole, the bonus terms and conditions are fair and reasonable. The welcome bonus is subject to 45 times wagering requirement before you can request a withdrawal. You must know that different games contribute a different percentage for the bonus wagering requirement ranging from 90-100 percent.
>> Claim Free Bonus Now <<

Other Promotions

Not only does Superlines Casino offer a great welcome bonus, but there are also some weekly promotions you can take advantage. Like for instance, you can enjoy 100% bonus money on all deposits every Friday between 02.00 and 08.00 GMT. It is known as Happy Hour which is available once a week.
There is another nice promotion available called Payment Method Bonus where you can collect 15% extra money on your Welcome Bonus on selected payment methods. If you are a high roller, you can take advantage of the High Roller Welcome Bonus. You need to contact the customer care staff for more information.

VIP Program

Superlines Casinos offer VIP Program where you can reap more benefits as a loyal member. The more you play, better your rewards will be. As a player, you will start with the Bronze tier where you will get features like Welcome Package, Loyalty Promotions and Cash Points for every €10,000 you wager.
After that, you go into Silver, Gold and Platinum Tier where you will be eligible for more cash points and higher benefits like a dedicated account manager and monthly cashbacks. As a Platinum Member, you will be eligible for a Monthly Prize Draw. You don’t have to wager on the cashpoints.
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Casino Superlines Game Offer

At Superlines Casino, the assortment of table games is quite diverse. If you enjoy playing Roulette, you can check out some of the popular variants like Micro Roulette, Premium Roulette and Zero Spin Roulette.
If you are a fan of Blackjack, don’t forget to check out variants like Blackjack Switch and Blackjack Surrender. The casino operator also features video poker games like Magic Poker, Poker Dice, Poker Three, Casino Hold’em and Caribbean Poker.
As a player, you can enjoy a plethora of online slots powered by several software vendors in the iGaming industry. Some of the widely played game titles are Guns N’ Roses Slot, Wild Torso Slot, Viking Fire Slot and Gonzo’s Quest Slot.
At the moment, around 100 games are featured on the casino website. Since it is a new operator, you can expect the numbers to double shortly. All the slot games are known for its stunning graphics and fantastic sound quality. You can change the language of the slot games at any point in time.
All the casino games features at the Superlines Casino incorporates RNG or Random Number Generator. Hence fairness and randomness for the casino games are completely guaranteed. The casino operator is known for the most unpredictable RNG online due to extensive audits by game testing agencies.

Live Casino

Superlines Casino is also home to some of the best live games in the iGaming industry. If you are a Roulette aficionado, you can master the wheel with variants like European Roulette, GIB Roulette and Sizzling Hot Roulette. Also, if you love Blackjack and Baccarat, you can find several game variants suited to you taste while playing against the live dealers.
Superlines Casino is licensed and regulated by the Government of Curacao which means that you get access to the highest level of features in the iGaming industry. All the casino games are powered by reputed software giants like NetEnt, Elk Studio, NextGen Gaming, 1×2 Gaming among others.
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The website of Superlines Casinos is clutter free with everything clear and within the view. The appealing colour palette with a sophisticated and stylized design creates an immediate impact on all customers. Here, you can find a plethora of games where you can either download it on your mobile via app or play it directly on the web browser. The casino tested by independent game testing agencies like TST and eCOGRA where all the games are free from malware.
The games can be downloaded on all popular smartphone models of iOS and Android. At the same time, the games are compatible with all the modern browsers like Google Chrome, Apple Safari and Mozilla Firefox. You can play the games on your smartphones or mobile devices even when you are travelling from any place in the world. You need to download the app on your device and get immediate access to a wide range of games offered by Superlines Casino.
When it comes to fairness, transparency and trust, you can entirely rely on Superlines Casino as the operator is fully committed to providing a fair gaming standard. The game software is meticulously maintained and tested by the gaming agencies from time to time with the highest industry standards.

Payment and Withdrawals at Superlines Casino

When it comes to banking options, you can rest assured that your valuable money and user credentials are safe with the casino operator. For making deposits, you can opt for various payment methods like payment cards, Zimpler, Trustly, GiroPay, Poli, Visa, Visa Electron, Paysafecard, MasterCard, Maestro and EcoPayz.
When it comes to withdrawals, the options are a little bit limited as you have to opt for services from Skrill, Wire Transfer, Visa, Visa Electron, Neteller, MasterCard and Maestro. All the payment method comes with fees and charges for processing the transaction. You must choose a payment method that does not charge a lot of money and settles your online transaction in the minimum possible time.
All the winning payouts are processed by the casino operator immediately, and you can expect the money to arrive in your bank account without any delay. Before processing the withdrawal request, you must submit a photo ID and utility bill.
The photo ID can be a valid National ID Card, Driving License or Passport. The utility bill can be either phone or electricity bill with your name and address mentioned. The bill should not be more than six months old.
If the documents are not received within five working days, the withdrawal request is declined, and the money is returned to the casino account. Superlines Casino verifies all the requested documents within 1-2 business days. For fast winning payouts, you are recommended to send an email to the customer support team with scanned copies of the documents mentioned above.
The minimum withdrawal amount is €100 per withdrawal with a maximum of €5000 in a given month. Any requests above these limits are automatically declined, and the funds are automatically returned to your casino balance.
All withdrawal requests are processed in 1-3 days after document verification. Once it is processed, you will receive the money based on different banking methods like:
  • Payment Card: 1 business day
  • Neteller: 1 business day
  • Skrill: 1 business day
  • Qiwi: 1 business day
  • EcoPayz: 1 business day
  • Wire Transfer: 5 business day
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Casino Superlines Customer Support

Although the casino has been in existence for around a year and a half, it is surprising to note that Superlines Casino offers 24/7 customer service to all its clients. Staff members can be contacted through various channels like email, live chat and telephone where all queries are resolved in 24-48 hours.
If you don’t want to wait for their reply and you are in a hurry, then you should check out the detailed FAQ section on the official website of the casino operator which we linked to in our online casino review. The dedicated section can help you get answers to some of the commonly asked questions related to casino games and online banking transactions.

Restricted Countries

Due to some legal and gambling restrictions, players residing in Afghanistan, Algeria, Albania, Angola, Cambodia, Guyana, Ecuador, Hong Kong, Iran, Indonesia, Israel, Kuwait, Myanmar, Lao, North Korea, Nicaragua, Namibia, Philippines, Papua New Guinea, Panama, Pakistan, Spain, Syria, Singapore, Sudan, South Korea, Taiwan, Uganda, United Kingdom, United States, Zimbabwe and Yemen are prohibited to register and play at Superlines Casino.
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Reliability and Security

The Superliners Casino implements 128 bit SSL or Secure Socket Layer technology to keep the transaction details of all the players safe and secure. At the same time, this sophisticated encryption technology eliminates all risks associated with online banking. The online gaming system is managed to highly professional standards to deliver secure service for all players.
Superlines Casino maintains full confidentiality over all information of players, and it is not shared outside the organisation. Upon registration, you are given a personal account holder and choose a proper username and password. It is your responsibility for keeping the information safe from any unauthorised access.
Complete privacy is provided to players while making online banking transactions for deposits and withdrawals. Authentic checks are carried out from time to time so that your personal and confidential details like bank account number, email address and contact number are not compromised.
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If you are searching for an ultimate online casino experience, it does not get anything better than Superlines Casino. It maintains an incredible real casino environment with staff members working round the clock to offer an immersive gaming experience to players. The casino uses some of the best gaming providers in the market for top quality games like online slots, table games, video poker etc.
All the casino games are available for free play where you get to understand the game before you start playing for real money. At the same time, the casino is licensed and regulated by Curacao which means that all games are fair and random.
Superlines Casino receives a big THUMBS UP from our team members at Top10-CasinoSites.Net, and we recommend this operator for all the newbie as well as experienced gamblers. We highly recommend checking out the list of restricted countries from the list above before playing. If you are eligible, you must register and start playing your favourite games either free or as a real money player.
submitted by freespinsmobile to u/freespinsmobile [link] [comments]

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